Faculty of Science and Technology
Department: Natural Sciences
Academic Year 2021/2022 (April/May)
Module number: PRS4512
Name of module: Occupational Hygiene and Health
Turnitin submission drop-box opens: 9.00 (British Summer Time; GMT+1) on Wednesday 4th May 2022 and closes at 09:00 (British Summer Time; GMT+1) on Thursday 5th May 2022.
Total number of Questions: 2
Question has 1 has 2 question worth a total of 50 marks. Question 2 has 2 questions worth a total of 50 marks. You must answer all question. The total will be converted to a percentage after marking.
Instructions to candidates:
This is an open book exam and students should refer to the following documents. These documents have been posted on MyLearning
They are:
- The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
- The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation ACOP L5
- The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations ACOP L24
You must answer all of the questions. Your solutions can be typed and submitted as word document (or equivalent), as a pdf document, or be handwritten. If handwritten, you will need to photograph each page and assemble your solution paper into a single document in PDF format. See below for advice on options to facilitate this.
Take Home Examination General Rules and Guidance for Students Faculty of Science and Technology (Special arrangements due to COVID-19) Please read these carefully before starting the exam: |
Take Home Examination General Rules and Guidance for Students Faculty of Science and Technology (Special arrangements due to COVID-19) Though your take home examination can be completed in less time, you are being given 24 hours to complete the paper and upload your answers from the time the exam paper is released; the paper will be released at 9:00 on 4th May 2022 and the drop box will remain open until 9:00 the following day (5th May 2022). The examination paper should be downloaded from the module MyLearning page (section labelled assessment) at the time of release. A copy of the examination paper will also be emailed to your University email account Save a copy of the paper to your computer. The word document may open as read only. You will need to save (or duplicate) the exam paper to your computer to make it editable. Note that you have the option of hand writing your answers. If you do hand write your answers you will need to compile them into a single document that you can upload to turnitin (See advice on constructing a single document at the end of these instructions) You can use textbooks, teaching and practice materials but must cite these in the text and include the full reference in a reference list at the end of the answer. You may also choose to access other resources, such as research papers, conference materials, professional webpages; these must also be cited in the text and the full reference included in a reference list at the end of your answer. Copying of any resource, including lecture notes and slides, is not permitted. All forms of academic misconduct or lack of academic integrity, including collusion between students, will be investigated in line with the University Policy and Procedures for Academic Integrity If collusion is suspected we may conduct a viva voce examination or carry out other investigations as appropriate There is a simple rule to follow when answering a question. It should be written in your own words and in an academic style. Your answer paper must be converted to a pdf document before uploading to theTurnitin Moodle drop box . Your answer paper will not be accepted after the deadline. You should, therefore, upload your answer paper at least 30 minutes before the deadline. Please note you can only upload your document once. If you are unable to upload your answer paper for a good reason, you must inform your module leader prior to the deadline and explain your technical difficulties/constraints and agree a way forward. The module leader may agree that you can email your submission to them, copying in Jenny Jacobs, j.jacobs@mdx.ac.uk. Only the first version sent will be accepted. Your module leader will be available for the first two hours and last 30 minutes of the scheduled examination time via MyLearning Discussion Forum,to deal with any queries about the examination paper or submission. By uploading your examination paper you are acknowledging that the answers are your own work. As with any assessed piece of work, credit cannot be given for work that is plagiarised and/or copied from other students Suggestions on assembling your solutions using your phone: Below are some free apps that can scan and assemble your answer paper. There are many other similar apps also available. It is recommended that you try these ahead of time to make sure you are confident about using one of these apps and that it will work for you: For Android phones: Scanbot by doo GmbHScanner Free by Free Apps & Tools StudioMicrosoft Office Lens by Microsoft (although this only allows the PDF to be uploaded to a OneDrive account). For iOS devices: Scanner by Odyssey Apps Ltd (although this free version watermarks the PDFs it produces)PDF Connect Free by Built to Connect Inc. |
School of Science and Technology
Academic Year 2021/2022 (April)
Occupational Hygiene and Health
Time allowed: 24 Hours
Total number of questions: 2 questions
Instructions to candidates: Answer All Questions
Each question carries different marks as indicated in brackets. The total will be out of 100 marks
Materials provided: Case study provided on MyLearning
Equipment permitted:
Total number of pages: 6 (including front Cover)
No books, paper or electronic devices are permitted to be brought into the examination room other than those specified above. Candidates are warned that credit cannot be given for work that is illegible |
Question 1:
You are a health and safety advisor to a medium-sized company manufacturing precision-fabricated components for use by the nuclear power industry.
Your products have to operate at in extreme conditions in land-based nuclear reactors and some may also have to operate on vessels operated by the Royal Navy; consequently, all component welds have to undergo non-destructive, x-ray testing to confirm and certify their integrity before each component is delivered to the final customer.
Your company currently out-sources all of this testing to a contractor; but, following your contractor going into liquidation, your Managing Director has indicated that your company is to consider the purchase of the necessary x-ray testing equipment and to ‘train-up someone’ to do the testing ‘in-house’.
Your Managing Director has approached you and asked you to consider both the acquisition and use of such -x-ray testing equipment. The Managing Director has also advised you that the board will, in due course, require a comprehensive report on risks surrounding this issue which will be central to the Board’s final decision making and that you are to be given responsibility for the report’s preparation.
- Critically evaluate the occupational health risks presented by this proposal to both the operator of the x-ray testing equipment and to wider company staff (25 marks)
- Detail and comment on the minimum measures needed to be put in place to safely manage the risks identified above (25 marks)
Question 2
You have recently been employed as Safety Health and Environmental Management Advisor to a group operating a chain of 22 nightclubs across the UK.
As part of your induction and orientation into the new job, you have visited all of the clubs and you have been struck by the number of bar staff within each club who have expressed concern to you regarding the impact of loud music on their personal hearing.
All of the groups bar staff are employed on standard contacts for 5 x 8 hour shifts each week. All staff commence work at 2100 hours and finish at 0500 but some variation may be necessary to take account of local operating conditions. All staff confirm that they have been provided with ear plugs by the management but most of them have told you that it is impossible to use the ear plugs and still hear the customers above the sound of the music at the bar.
As a result of your induction tour, you have conducted a preliminary noise assessment in 4 of the 22 clubs and you discovered that, without wearing any form of hearing protection, staff typically experience noise levels of 86dB(A) Lep,d and some experience as much as 91dB(A) Lep,d.
You have concluded that you are going to have to undertake a more detailed assessment of the risks to both staff and the company from this situation.
Q2. Draft a report to your line manager in which you:
- Detail and comment on the measures that need to be taken to fully and accurately assess the risks to both the hearing of the bar staff in each club and to the reputation of the business overall (25 Marks)
- Critically evaluate the practical options for controlling the noise exposure of the group’s bar staff, whilst bearing in mind the ‘source-pathway-receptor’ hierarchy of controls (25 Marks)
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