PGSCR8.100 Scholarly Communication and Reflection – ASSESSMENT 1
Assessment topic | Presentation, Report and Peer Feed back |
Assessment type | Portfolio |
Length requirements | Presentation 5 min/10 slidesReport 2500 words +/- 10%Feedback 500 words + Rubrics |
Submission details | Submission will only be accepted via EITOnline. Please check the Assignment Dropbox or Course Schedule for due date and time. Note that the Dropbox will check your assignment for breaches of academic integrity. Remember to include a cover page. |
Weighting | 35% |
Course learning outcomes covered | LO1: Critically analyse relevant scholarly texts and communicate findings using a range of scholarly modes |
LO2: Engage in reflective practice to support continuous learning in the context of their discipline | |
Resources for this assessment | Articles and Resources provided via EIT OnlineLibrary databasesAssignment guides provided on MyEIT |
Background to this assessment This is the first assessment for Scholarly Communication and Reflection. For this assessment you will first create a PowerPoint presentation and record a voiceover, and you will be graded on your application of presentation skills. Then you will write a report that critically analyses and evaluates one peer reviewed article and you will be graded on your application of report writing skills. Finally you will read two reports written by other participants and provide written feedback using the provided rubric. You will be assessed on the basis of how well you have applied evaluation and peer feedback skills. |
Task 1: Presentation (10%) Instructions: Prepare a 10-slide powerpoint with a 5min voiceover which includes the following content: Apply the first three stages of the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (stages 1-3) to describe an episode in your own experience that you found challenging or difficult. Select and Explain one of the articles provided in EITOnline on leadership, teamwork, or decision making and explain one or more of the key concepts described in the article that are relevant to your experience Apply the last three stages of the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (stages 4-6) to analyse your experience, draw conclusions and create a plan of action. |
Guidelines: The presentation structure is as follows: title slidecontentsintroduction3 slides for each of the first three stages of the Gibbs Reflective Cycle1 slide for an explanation of an article3 slides for the last three stages of the Gibbs Reflective Cycleconclusionreferences list You should describing the facts about what happened, your own thoughts and feelings about what happened and evaluate what was good or bad about the experience. Only mention details that are required to understand the situation. At each stage focus on points that will be relevant to later stages. Your explanation of the article you select should encompass the main purpose, and focus on just one or two concepts or conclusions that you apply to your situation. Your action plan should list a small number of actions that you will take to improve your own performance in similar situations in the future. At each stage focus on points that will be relevant to later stages. Refer to the Academic Inquiry Module for instructions on how to make a PowerPoint voiceover. |
Task 2: Report (15%) Instructions: Select one peer reviewed article (ARTICLE A) on a topic in your field and critically analyse the purpose and findings of the article; identify the main question(s) that this article is attempting to answer, describe the methodology used to answer the question(s), and describe the answer(s) given. Select a peer reviewed article that is cited in ARTICLE A and critically analyse how this source is used and critically evaluate whether it is used appropriately.Select a peer reviewed article that cites ARTICLE A. Critically analyse how the article is used as a source, whether it is used appropriately, and the impact of this new research on the article selected in task one.Prepare your written report of 2,500 words detailing your answers to the above and post it into the Assessment 1 Forum. |
Guidelines: For this task you will need to pick a topic in your field and search the library databases for a peer reviewed article on your topic. Select an article that is around five years old so that you will be able to find a more recent article that cites this article. Use the reference list in your selected article to locate one of the sources that it uses. Review the question(s) posed by this source, methodology used, and answer(s) found.In your report write about how the source is used and whether the source supports this use. For example, if the source is used as evidence for a claim, then you need to assess whether it really provides evidence for that claim and how strong the evidence provided is. To find a peer reviewed article that cites ARTICLE A you can use an index such as Google Scholar, Proquest or Scopus. Review the question(s) posed by this newer article, methodology used, and answer(s) found, but you do not need to write about these in detail. You need to write about how the article uses the original article as a source, whether the older article supports this use, and how the newer article changes our understanding of the older article. For example, the newer article might strengthen or weaken the evidence for the conclusions drawn in the older article, or it might show how they can be applied in a different context, or it might refine those conclusions. |
Task 3: Peer Feedback (10%) Instructions: After you post your own report into the assessment 1 forum on EITOnline select and download two reports written by other participantsAssess the selected reports by applying the rubric provided for Assessment 1. Write a 250-word peer feedback statement for each report, commenting on the aspects of each report that were particularly good, and the aspects that most need improvement. Post your feedback statements into the assessment 1 forum. |
Guidelines: Read the peer feedback guidelines in EITOnline before completing this task.You cannot select reports that have already been selected twice. Complete this task as soon as possible so that others will have time to read your report and give feedback. All feedback should be respectful, impersonal, and constructive.Post a brief reply in the forum indicating for whom you will be providing feedback. Use the rubric provided for assignment 1 and Highlight the criteria and assign a numerical score for each. You may provide brief comments in the rubric. |
Be sure to consider the performance criteria on the marking rubric for this assessment. |

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