For each topic listed below undertake the following tasks:
Topic 1 – Practice skills in working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Topic 2 – Practice skills in child welfare and protection
• Choose one recent journal article for topic 1 and one recent journal article for topic 2, a total of 2 journal articles.
• Write a discussion piece for each topic. In your discussion pieces describe why you chose each journal article and how each article could be useful to you in social work practice, especially in relation to skills for practice.
In each discussion, draw from the subject content, the readings for each topic and your independent research. Your reading and research will be demonstrated through consistent use of reference material throughout including in-text citations and a list of references.
Each journal article should focus on a current social work practice issue relevant to the topic and with an emphasis on practice skills. The journal articles must be from peer reviewed social work, welfare, community work, human services journals – Australian or international.
The journal articles must have been published between 2017 and 2021. Older publications are not acceptable.
To successfully complete this assessment, you need to complete the readings and activities on working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and practice skills in child welfare and protection. You will also need to engage in further independent research to develop knowledge of each topic.
The name of the Article for topic 1
Closing the gap between rhetoric and practice in strengths-based approaches to Indigenous public health: a qualitative study Deborah A. Askew,1,2 Karla Brady,3 Bryan Mukandi,4,5 David Singh,5 Tanya Sinha,5 Mark Brough,6 Chelsea J. Bond
Brief Summary of the Article
In general the article is about tryoing to understand the strength based approach as a practical working initiative towards the indigenous community The Article talks about the shift that occurred in all human service industry during 21 century. A shift from “Self-determination” to a supposed pragmatic problem solving approach derived from a sense of urgency to bring indigenous people way of life in line with that of the Western culture.
The article look at the practical actions to reconcile with the Non indigenous through the speech “ I am sorry “ by Haward Governmnt, The Northern Territory emergence response followed by Rudd Government closing the Gap and Stronger Solutions . The Article brings out all these practical efforts towards indigenous communities was more like ameliorating differences between indigenous people and non Indigenous by focusing on monitoring and measuring the diffrencies in health and social economic status between them. This has created a visual metaphor for Aborigional people to be solved and this has moved the indigenouse community and the Social Workers to lo kata the indigenous community as there is a problem to be solved. This has caused a lot of Social workers to work from a problem solving perspective yet there are a lot of strenths in Indigenouse communities that all human service workers can build their practical skills of working with Indigenouse people from. This call came largely from the Indigenouse and Tore Straitwithin the new emerging literature decipt the fact that it was intiated by indigenouse communoites. Islnder people themselves stating that they are getting a lot of support from what they know, how they know and how they lived it before. Rather than focusing on the disparity through the portraits of deficit or despair. Th strength based approach gave the Indigenous and Torres Straight Islander an opportunity to speak back against deficit discourse and the racializing practises that originated from trig to distangle the disadnatage that the indigenouse experienced. The reconcialtion Action Plan had a looked at the Indegenouse people as they werethe problem and they needed help. There is an intruiguing absence of Indigenouse conceptualisation of strength based approaches Despite the fact that is the Indigenouse and Toress Strait Islnder that have called fro the Strenth Baseda proach, ths information that it was their call is still missing in the leterature
Why I chose this article
I chose this article because it is current and it is raising current cointemporary issues.I have chosen to discuss the article: “Closing the gap between rhetoric and practice in strengths‐based approaches to Indigenous public health” by. It is one of the article that seek to provide Social workers with the practical skills that they need when working with indigenous communities and people. This article discusses the importance of using the Strength based approach rather than the recent adopted problem solving approach. The article highlights the fact that if governments act on the indigenous coming from a notion that believes that Indigenous people and communities are the problem. It is from that aspect that even Indigenous people for a very long time they were made to believe that they were the problem and they have spent a lot of time trying to fix themselves. It discusses how reconciliation initiative by the Howard Government and the Northern Territory emergency response were originally introduced to help combat indigenous problems, have been seen as nothing more than “continuation of colonisation of Australia” The article state that the indigenous people were used in the process as objects of research not as Sovereign subjects of curiosity.
This article highlights for me the absolute importance of educating myself and learning the most I can about culturally appropriate professionalism when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients. As an upcoming Social Worker , it is more than important for me to be aware of what indigenous pele want and how they want to worked with Walter, Taylor & Habibis ( 2013, p.237) warn that social work students and educators must be mindful of the “whiteness gap” in social work theory, even though over more recent times, things have improved somewhat. Young (as cited by Walter, Taylor & Habibis (2013, p.237) describes white privilege as a concept that is “raced and invisible”. Therefore, as a non-indigenous woman, I must be consistently self-reflecting and acknowledging my privileges.
What practice skills does the article discuss?
Why will the article (i.e., its content) be useful to you in your practice?
Now choose another article for Topic 2
Topic2 Topic 2 – Practice skills in child welfare and protection

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