Solent University
Coursework Assessment Brief
Assessment Details
Unit Code:QHO542
Unit Leader:TBC
Assessment Title:Steady Pay check Agency
Assessment Number:AE1
Assessment Type:Portfolio
Restrictions on Time/Word Count:2000
Consequence of not meeting time/word count limit:There is no penalty for submitting below the word/count limit, but students should be aware that there is a risk they may not maximise their potential mark.   Assignments should be presented appropriately in line with the restrictions stated above; if an assignment exceeds the time/word count this will be taken into account in the marks given using the assessment criteria shown.
Assessment Weighting:100%
Issue Date:22/06/2022
Hand In Date: 
Planned Feedback Date:20 working days
Mode of Submission:on-line via Solent Online Learning
Number of copies to be submitted:No hard copy required
Anonymous Marking  This assessment will be marked anonymously  


Steady Paycheck (SP) is a recruitment agency which acts as an intermediary between employers and job seekers, individuals who are looking for jobs. Steady Paycheck is a new agency in Southern England; with a specific business model to work particularly with graduates from computing backgrounds, that includes Comp, ICT, BIS, BIT, SEng, Networking and WD. SP main function is to find employers and match them to the suitable candidates. As they are new, SP still in the feasibility study phase, they don’t have a system to help computerise the process of matching jobs to job seekers. SP Ltd has employed you to help analyse requirements of the user interface, evaluate, design and develop part of their system (a prototype).

Your job is to design an interface to the system that SP will be using to achieve their short and long term

goals. See additional Information Sheet.

The project will be broken into three distinct parts, which are explained below.

PART 1 (User and Business Needs Analysis) – 1000 Words

User needs are requirements that add value to a product, service or environment for a user. Capturing user needs is a process of engaging users to understand their problems, processes, goals and preferences.

You should produce a (User / Business) Need Analysis Document, which will contain all relevant details to enable the production of prototype. The section must contain all of the appropriate elements that are required to communicate your design intentions, and the rationale for the design choices made.

Before you begin, you need to familiarise yourself with online recruitment agencies, how do they work? Their main functions, business models, marketing strategies and user class, profile and categories need to be reviewed. You can visit some online recruitment agencies including:

  1. Monster.co.uk
  2. Indeed.co.uk
  3. Jobsite.co.uk
  4. Reed.co.uk

You should include the following elements:

  1. An introduction about the system and highlights about the main functions are required in this report.

Introduction should rationalise the choice of why you decided to design with a UCD (User Centred Design) approach or TCD (Task Centre Design), it is imperative to vividly define your user group, define their task and goals, experience levels, what functions they expect from the system, what information they need from the system, and understand how users think the system should work.

This should also include the Comparative table based on design principles, Gestalt Principles and Time to Complete [ Job seeker and Employer User Journey].

  • User Analysis (Aims primarily at identifying the main user goals.)
  1. Build 2 personas of a typical user (Job seeker)
  2. Build 2 personas of a typical user (Employer)
  • Task Analysis (Aims primarily at identifying the main system tasks).
  1. Identify and explain three of the main user tasks and map them out to user goals (Job seeker)
  2. Identify and explain three of the main user tasks and map them out to user goals (Employer)
  • Construct these tasks and illustrate them using one HTA Hierarchal Task Analysis chart for a Job Seeker and another HTA for Employer. 

PART 2 (Interface Design and Development) – Prototype

Part 2 will be the production of a semi-working prototype. You are required to produce the prototype interface using an appropriate prototyping tool, online prototyping tools will be used or a web design tool. You should build & implement the result of your user requirements analysis, evaluation and design in part 1.

Interface Concept:

Plan & verify the usability of your design with a visual communication tool (storyboards). Construct a set of storyboards to define the elements of your design. Defend the rationale for your design choices with accompanying text which accompanies your storyboards. Particular attention should be paid to good use of icon metaphors and affordance.

A set of storyboards

Interaction with the Complete System (Company main interface)

It is required that the system should have at least a standard logging on security system with a user name and password. The authentication screen must be visually appealing and comply with logo and colour specifications. A Welcome to Main Menu interface should be the main interface that users first interact with and should link to the other four interfaces. It should have clear, well considered icon metaphors to access these other forms and will have a company logo and a suitable company icon metaphor positioned properly. This and all other interfaces/screens MUST have the company icon metaphor integrated in a consistent position and will also use suitable icon metaphors throughout which clearly suggest the affordance of screen objects to users. All interfaces must have your contracting team’s name at bottom right or in a Help, about menu. Drop down and/or popup menus can also be integrated into your system. The company require a consistent hue for all backgrounds with saturation in the low zone. Foreground text & objects such as buttons should suitably complement the background hue with strong consistent contrast. Command buttons and other objects should harmonize with this throughout your interfaces.

Create your own Icons, don’t copy anything from Google

Don’t copy anything from the internet or other groups as this will be documented as academic misconduct

Interaction with Search Job screen

Job search screen should allow job seekers to search for jobs based on some criteria such as skill, salary and location, as should be clearly identified in Part 1 analysis.  Your design should consider all interactive features required by the end users, for instances, job title in the proposed search job screen should use combo box with some suggestions to aid the user through the process of searching, as well as to make the interface far more intuitive and learnable. Five possible values need to be added to the set of default values of the drop-down menu, additional justified rationales of the colour, size and shape should be clearly indicated.

Interaction with Sign up screen / Job Seekers / Employers

Registration screens should be provided in order to input potential job seekers and employers’ data into the data model. You must pay attention to the design rules when designing forms, including the use of visual elements, ease of use, grouping and gestalt principles.

Interaction with CV / Profile screen

Profile screen allows users to build up their selling points by adding experiences, qualifications and interests, hence that these variables need to be accounted carefully as they will be used later to match job descriptions. You may need to investigate ways on how to build the best CV, and find out more about what employers are looking for in the best suitable candidate.

Interaction with Job Description screen

Job description screen allows users to post job descriptions based on criteria IT employers are looking for. Whatever variables your team considered in the profile screen need to be implemented in the Job description screen, you still can provide detailed information about the job and other related job descriptions.

PART 3 (Testing and Integration) – 1000 words

Part three will be to test the final product, collect feedback and reflect on the interface towards more progressive design. As GUI testing techniques vary in terms of scale and scope, you need to select the best testing approach in order to determine how the application and the user interact and whether the application performs properly. Testing typically includes how the application handles keyboard and mouse input and how it displays screen text, images, buttons, menus, dialog boxes, icons and toolbars. Functional testing is commonly done by human testers, but is made a lot easier and more reliable by automated testing tools. Your prototype will probably only be intended to test a portion of the design. The report documentation should identify the following with regard to the prototypes:

In order to test your proof of concept (Prototype), you need to get 5 participants to fill in the following table individually.

No.CriteriaDescription[(Very Poor) 1 – 10 (Perfect)] Scale
1InterfacesSearch, sign up (Jobseekers & Employers), Sign in or Login In, CV or
Profile and Job Description.
2Regional StructureLayout   should   be   clearly   identified   according   to   HCI   theories
(Modern or Classic).
3Colour schemeColours   should   be   carefully   selected   and   consistently   applied
throughout the system interface.
4ICON DesignYou  should  consider  icon  designs  guidelines  in  terms  of  audience,
size, simplicity, lighting, perspective, style and metaphorical context.
5Data ModelDummy data for demonstration purposes. Data set includes at least
login  details  for  either  JS  or  EM,  Job  search  key  words  (2  or  3)  5 Records.
6Visibility of system statusThe system should always keep users informed about what is going
on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.
7Aesthetic and minimalist designDialogues  should  not  contain  information  which  is  irrelevant  or rarely   needed.   Every   extra   unit   of   information   in   a   dialogue competes  with  the  relevant  units  of  information  and  diminishes
their relative visibility.
8ContentContents are relevant and displayed according to HCI theories 
9UsabilitySystem  is  easy  to  use  and  Minimize  the  user’s  memory  load  by making  objects,  actions,  and  options  visible.  The  user  should  not have  to  remember  information  from  one  part  of  the  dialogue  to
10User ExperienceOverall experience with system 

Once you recruit 5 participants to interact with your prototype and fill in your testing table, you need to calculate the Metacritic for each metrics in the following table:

No.CriteriaMetacritic = AVG. of score 
1InterfacesAVG of 5 Answers
2Regional StructureAVG of 5 Answers
3Colour schemeAVG of 5 Answers
4ICON DesignAVG of 5 Answers
5Data ModelAVG of 5 Answers
6Visibility of system statusAVG of 5 Answers
7Aesthetic and minimalist designAVG of 5 Answers
8ContentAVG of 5 Answers
9UsabilityAVG of 5 Answers
10User ExperienceAVG of 5 Answers

Overall Metacritic =


Human Digital Interaction Design

Analysis of User experience requirements, usability planning & design (ref L.O. K1,C1,P1) 
Able to critically analyse UX     Identification,
problem and conduct a thoroughGood understanding of UXAble to recognise a UXCan identify some keyanalysis, planning of
analysis, plan & design of aanalysis techniques andresearch issues and apply aelements of the HDIDa poor standard
development problem, selectmethodologies evidencedseries of stepsproblem and plan a set ofwhich does not meet
effectively between differentby set of HDID analyticalin providing a solution to aactions to achieve that taskor address problem
alternatives and provideartefacts. Able to apply ausability & interactionbased upon a given method.area. Does not reach
justification in the context ofsuitable,development problem.Although sufficient has flawsrequired threshold.
problem and in the light oflogical series of stepsHowever, analysis orin elements and/or actions,Doesn’t include UX
existing HDID theory.effectively anddesign may be weak inand/or method. Analysis hasartefact.
To include: User analysis, taskconsistently in providingparts or use of thethe minimum required 
analysis, screena solution to a usabilitymethodology inconsistent.elements that exceed the 
designs, windows hierarchy& interaction/softwareTo include: User analysis,threshold. 
diagrams etc. Moredevelopment problem. Totask analysis, screen  
complete designs will includeinclude: User analysis, taskdesigns, windows hierarchy  
establishment ofanalysis, screendiagrams.  
usability requirements fordesigns, windows hierarchy     
subsequent evaluation.diagrams.     
Implementation of Design and Evaluation (ref L.O. K1,C1)    
Able to produce a usable andCan implement a designCan implement an HDIDCan apply visualDoes not reach
robust interface with fullyspec. in full, within aproblem solution from aenvironment design toolsrequired threshold.
functional components from avisual environmentdesign specificationand techniques in solving aImplementation &
given specification fullywell-informed byinformed by evaluation.structured and/or userevaluation
informed by evaluation.evaluation whileThe specification may notrelated problem informed byinadequate.
Demonstrates exceptional skillrespecting goodbe implemented in fullevaluation. However, the 
in the use of the visualprofessional HDIDand/or the system may notsolution may be partial or 
development environment.principles and practice.be sufficiently robust.may employ only a subset of 
Comprehensive and thoroughSome robust usabilitySome evaluation / testingthe appropriate techniques. 
evaluation and usability testing.evaluation / testing.will have been carried out.Evaluation superficial, 
     marginal testing. 
Identification and appraisal of key areas of work (ref L.O. C1,P1)  
Able to define and conduct aAble to define andAble to define and reflectAble to describe and partlyDoes not reach
rigorous critique of key areas inreflect upon key areas inon key areas in the contextreflect on some keyrequired threshold.
the context of very clearlythe context of well-of recognized HDID issues.elements within the HDIDIdentification &
defined HDID issues and todefined HDID issues andSome solid criticalarea. Definition and criticalappraisal of a poor
evaluate the solution and theprovide a criticalevaluation against originalevaluation is superficial.standard which fails
solution strategy with referenceassessment of actionsrequirements though this to reach required
to existing theory. Able totaken. Able to identifycould be extended. threshold.
assess the implications ofalternative solution     
adopting alternative solutionstrategies.     
Knowledge and Understanding & Contribution to group (ref L.O. C1,T1)   
Demonstrates a detailedComprehensive overallDemonstrates familiaritySatisfactory understandingDoes not reach
recognition and knowledge ofunderstanding of issueswith issues and practice inand identification of HDIDrequired threshold.
theory & practice in the context& practice in the contextthe context of human-issues, design capabilities ,Inaccuracies /
of human digital interaction andof human digitaldigital interaction with aevaluation issues andomissions in areas of
an in-depth identification andinteraction with asoftware model.functionally of the interfacetheory & practice may
understanding of concepts.software model. HasReasonable familiarity withand software model butbe substantial with
Has the ability to synthesizeread around the subjectrecommended reading.lacking in depth andirrelevancies.
and apply information in theand is able to integrateSome gaps in significantbreadth. Minor contributionStruggles or fails to
solution of a problem inand organiseareas. Contribution toto group. Poor writtenengage with
conjunction with team. Makes ainformation. Has clearlygroup is acceptablyreflection on workconcepts, issues
full well managed & positiveworked with the teammanaged with some gapscontributed to group withwithin HDID. Very
contribution to work producedand made a significantin depth and breadth.little or no examplelittle or no reflection
by group. Is able to reflect fullycontribution toWritten reflection ofartefacts, poor referencing.on contribution with
on how contribution is madegroup/team work. Ablecontribution is constructed no example artefacts.
with fully referenced clearto reflect on howclearly with some gaps and  
example artefacts.contribution is made withfew example artefacts  
 referenced examples.which may not be clearly  
Presentation & planning (ref L.O. C1,P1,T1)     
Comprehensive, detailed,Provides a coherentProvides a coherent styleMeets the basic guidelinesDoes not reach
coherent, & consistentclear well plannedand structure for thefor a given presentation andrequired threshold.
throughout with no errors ofwhole. Consistent insubject in hand with somepresentational style.Aspects substantially
rationale reasoning or fact,rationale, reasoning ,structural and informationEvidence of planning.unclear, incoherent or
Very well planned.Planning.defects. Well planned. missing
Learning Outcomes

This assessment will enable students to demonstrate in full or in part the learning outcomes identified in the Module descriptors.

Late Submissions

Students are reminded that:

  1. If this assessment is submitted late i.e. within 5 working days of the submission deadline, the mark will be capped at 40% if a pass mark is achieved;
  2. If this assessment is submitted later than 5 working days after the submission deadline, the work will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero;
  3. If this assessment is being submitted as a referred piece of work then it must be submitted by the deadline date; any Refer assessment submitted late will be regarded as a non-submission and will be awarded a zero.
Extenuating Circumstances

The University’s Extenuating Circumstances procedure is in place if there are genuine circumstances that may prevent a student submitting an assessment. If students are not ‘fit to study’, they can either request an extension to the submission deadline of 5 working days or they can request to submit the assessment at the next opportunity (Defer).  In both instances students must submit an EC application with relevant evidence.   If accepted by the EC Panel there will be no academic penalty for late submission or non-submission dependent on what is requested.  Students are reminded that EC covers only short term issues (20 working days) and that if they experience longer term matters that impact on learning then they must contact the Student Hub for advice.

Please find a link to the EC policy below:

Academic Misconduct

Any submission must be students’ own work and, where facts or ideas have been used from other sources, these sources must be appropriately referenced. The University’s Academic Handbook includes the definitions of all practices that will be deemed to constitute academic misconduct.  Students should check this link before submitting their work.

Procedures relating to student academic misconduct are given below:

Ethics Policy

The work being carried out by students must be in compliance with the Ethics Policy. Where there is an ethical issue, as specified within the Ethics Policy, then students will need an ethics release or an ethical approval prior to the start of the project.

The Ethics Policy is contained within Section 2S of the Academic Handbook:

Grade marking

The University uses a letter grade scale for the marking of assessments. Unless students have been specifically informed otherwise their marked assignment will be awarded a letter grade. More detailed information on grade marking and the grade scale can be found on the portal and in the Student Handbook.

Guidance for online submission through Solent Online Learning (SOL)


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"QHO542 HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION." Universal Assignment - Accessed March 11, 2025. https://universalassignment.com/qho542-human-computer-interaction/
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