Research Methods Assessment 1 – Literature Review

Literature Review

Evolution of tessellation form in architecture : A study responses from public structure


This examination of the literature review contrasts tessellation form and concept for architectural evolution with public structures in the present field. The goal of this analysis is to discover an uncharted area for research that draws from two different fields. The body of the section includes three sections. The first is to address literature that is concerned with the representation of tessellation architecture and related subjects, and the second is to indicate public structure, with reference to the third section identifying structure needs as a tessellation one. The surrounding project is concerned with the indexical suggestion of public structure inspired by tessellation form, in terms of the urban realm and architecture. Additionally, the project aims to explore the creation of guidelines to examine such public structures with tessellation and place the authenticity and individuality of such examples.

Understanding of Tessellation

Since antiquity and in many cultures throughout history, tessellation has played an essential role in architecture. A tessellation is a face made by one or more architectural elements which do not overlap or just have gaps. It incorporates a variety of designs for a wide variety of fields, from ornamental shielding components to cross openwork screens seen in art and architecture. Origami, particularly tessellation origami, is closely connected to folded structures, which feature a versatile folding process that produces a range of 3-dimensional folded forms (Chai Chen Chu and Choong Kook Keong, 2017). That is why tessellation is still employed in modern architecture because it not only enables the production of ordered architectural surfaces, but it also provides a number of actions to the face when utilised as an element. (Ecenur Kizilörenli and Feray Maden, 2021).The study “Tessellation in Architecture from Past to Present” classified tessellation into three types: regular, semi-regular, and demi-regular; and “Application of Tessellation in Architectural Geometry Design” states periodic tessellations and aperiodic tessellations majorly, where tessellations can be seen in two- and three-dimensional forms in contemporary structural elements. The paper states that tessellation is important in architectural design, whether geometrical or structural, but more research should be done due to its enormous potential. The study of “Tessellations in the Architecture of Pablo Palazuelo” suggests the presence of geometric patterns that arrange the designs of the Spanish artist Pablo Palazuelo. To illustrate the possibility of an advancement linked to a conceptual substrate, this research selects three sample Palazuelo projects, which give the fundamental theoretical foundations of this research. This technique lays the groundwork for future research into other architectural projects. From the brother’s point of view, with this fundamental understanding of tesselation network, employment through design and software support has to be studied to judge any tessellation form.

Based on this, there are several perspectives on research on tessellation that lead to better consideration of it. Chapter 7 of Geographic Knowledge Infrastructure on “Complex Geographic Objects and Structures” states that geographic items may be grouped into highly complex structures that are linked by numerous relations to experience. In addition to basic collections, networks and tessellations are typical complicated structures. The brief examines basic groupings of geographic objects, networks, and tessellations, but the investigation states only the groupism and formation of tessellation. In “Drawing Tensegrity, Discover Trans-Polyhedra: From Polyhedra and Tessellation to Find New Architectural Forms,” the chapter focuses in response to its uses, situating the development of such tessellation patterns within the framework of functional design. Limited effect geometric problems have fascinating properties. Although a tensegrity structure can be constructed using a single model process, each tessellation or polyhedric form has its own unique representation. According to Gaspar Monge (1847), it has the aim of “deducing from that exact description of the bodies everything that follows from their shapes and their reciprocal positions; in such a way, it is a medium for the discovery of scientific truth and it offers infinite examples of the passage from the known to the unknown” (Fabio Bianconi, Marco Filippucci, Matteo Margutti, Margherita Stramaccia, 2018). Reciprocal frames is another term which is related to tessellation study, which is found in “Reciprocal Frames in Temporary Structures: An Aesthetical and Parametric Investigation”, where the author begins with simple, convenient, generally joint-free, and repeating “components” and becomes lost inside a reflexive structure that may be investigated and adjusted more by the

combinatorial layout of its creative parts, which evolves in identity shapes much like a natural organism. The tessellation shape has an imbalance statement as a structure.

In the research paper “Architecture and Paper Structures—Could Paper-Folding Become A Methodology in Architecture?” the author describes how, in architecture, we broaden the definition to include the true spirit of the term: considerable and conceptual demands. Each fold, origami’s fundamental element, allows everyone to begin influencing reality, even expanding entirely. Paper-folding is to three-dimensionality what drawing is to three separate things, with its spatial modelling possibilities. After all, it is an indigenous Japanese method that incorporates key advantages of knowledge application such as rapid prototyping when the fundamentals of deformation have been grasped. In his book “Structural Systems,” Heino Engel (2001) provides detailed investigations into the sorts of structures that result from this systematisation. For the research analysis, tessellation formation research and a brief on structural perspective have been completed.

Public structure

Place as a theory falls short of precisely expressing connections among content as surroundings for individual behaviours throughout an open area. In order to solve these issues, emotional and cognitive representations of the physical environment are employed to establish the meaning of user behaviour in crowded locations (Mark Del Aguila 1, Ensiyeh Ghavampour 2, and Brenda Vale 3, 2019). Recreation and open spaces, for example, are key built-environment components throughout communities and encourage a range of therapeutic movement behaviours. A growing number of functional existence data analysis studies have been conducted over the last decade to explore the influence of public open space on physical activity in relation to public structure (Mohammad JavadKoohsari a, e, n, SuzanneMavoa a, KarenVillanueva a, b, TakemiSugiyama c, e, HannahBadland a, AndrewT.Kaczynski d, NevilleOwen e, Billie Giles-Cortia, 2015).

The study from the research paper “Urban Centrality: A Simple Index” provides a new metric for measuring centrality in the city. The suggested urban centrality index (UCI) is a development of the spatial separation index. Urban organisation should be investigated more thoroughly when using a core index (ranging from severe monocentricity to high due to its characteristics) rather than a single variable (monocentric or polycentric). The proposed index considers changes in the shape and form of the localities for which knowledge is gathered, and it can be calculated using a variety of criteria such as employment and population density, as well as trip producing rates (Rafael Henrique Moraes Pereira, Vanessa Nadalin1, Leonardo Monasterio, and Pedro H. M. Albuquerque, 2013).The paper compared data irrelevant to structure appearance and stability with an aesthetic and identical approach, which is inept for the research area. In research by Mark Del Aguila, Ensiyeh Ghavampour, and Brenda Vale, A fundamental idea of experience was established, which encompasses allowing one to expand

in social and academic situations. Emotions structured cognitive assessments of design components for projected behaviour, according to the findings of research involving 160 users in four public venues. A two-stage design method emphasising place-making must change the emphasis from transmitting desires to permitting understanding and possibilities. Within this theoretical framework, the argument is made that focusing on aligning design with public expectation at a specific point in time will result in a location’s temporal popularity, with popular places being displayed for redevelopment at some specific point in time if one‘s success declines (Mark Del Aguila, Ensiyeh Ghavampour, and Brenda Vale, 2019). The research led to the demand for a guideline for structural development with rhythm, followed by surrounded tessellation and structural tessellation within the urban realm.

Additional evidence has been found in the paper “Public open space, ,physical activity, urban design, and public health: Concepts, methods, and research agenda”, where studies indicate a mixed association between several aspects of recreational areas (for example, accessibility, quantity, and attractiveness) and activity level. These differences limit the development of specific evidence-based standards for urban designers as well as politicians to follow when creating (or re-planning) outdoor spaces to stimulate daily fitness. This study aims to further this research goal by addressing important theoretical and operational problems that may contribute to discrepancies in previous studies on the links between public open space and activity level (Mohammad JavadKoohsari, SuzanneMavoa, KarenVillanueva, TakemiSugiyama, HannahBadland, AndrewT.Kaczynski, NevilleOwen, Billie Giles-Cortia, 2015). The data relationship with structure can be added to the guidelines’ purpose and will be proposed as a leading data point for future consideration.

Tessellation in public structure

The subject area is new to find and interesting as well, as public structures are associated with a wide range of concerns. The research from three available sources helps form a fundamental vision of the topic and state the missing data. In chapter 6, called “Creating Vibrant Public Spaces: Streetscape Design in Commercial and Historic Districts,” in the Streetscape and Public Space Design Guidelines, the chapter provides design

recommendations for putting plans in place that address the challenges raised in prior chapters. They are designed to clarify the fundamental goals of downtown streetscape and public space design, as well as to provide a framework for satisfying functional goals. The criteria are stated informally in order to aid in the simplification of solutions rather than confuse them more. However, adhering to the rules may necessitate more time spent on planning and design while spending less on construction. They want to support historic resource protection, create public settings that benefit inhabitants and tourists to commercial areas, and target investment where it is required (Crankshaw, N., 2008). The three terms that appear often in the design guidelines are: appropriate: suitable, fitting; compatible: harmonious or agreeable association; and contemporary: belonging to the same period of time. From land cover-graphs to urban structure types” research paper, brief urban structural types (UST) are a starting point and fundamental tool for urban planners and decision makers to monitor, regulate, and simulate activities throughout ongoing urbanisation processes. The study is centred on a strategy for recognising USTs and land use changes. The effect of different model parameter settings, training sample reduction, and chart indicator significance is also being studied. An objective validation set is classified and validated, yielding a best average of 87% (Irene Walde, Sören Hese, Christian Berger, and Christiane Schmullius, 2014). That is, the span with the greatest cluster formation has a significant influence on the classification performance, yet the displayed data for UST is lost and inadequate. In addition, from “Advanced structural geometry s_dies part ii-a geometric transformation concept for expanding rigid structures,” expandable structures are an important topic of research in structural design concepts for future applications. The capacity to construct a structural configuration that can be launched and extended to a pre-set size and form has unique and evident advantages. This portion of the study will suggest a novel and unique concept of a structural system, but that does not lead to a vision for a stated structure that can be deployed into a bigger system if needed. The word “structure” in paper implies three types : inflated, pressure-stablized structures; inflated, rigidized structures; and mechanically expanded, framework-stabilised structures (Joseph D. Clinton, 1971). In this case, the paper source provides separate data points that are unrelated to one another, as if the beginning of the subject is important based on these findings.


The information provided in the briefing on tessellation and public structure, as well as the links between tessellation and public structure, indicates a promising future for responsive architecture. Analysis on each topic is helpful for examining selected public structures with tessellation. Here, the research on individual sections is done, where this state is a thin connecting line among those, which can be a substratum for this research topic. The lacking data state research gap has to be considered next with questions like: what are the parameters to examine public structure with tessellation? Does the proposed structure provide visitor comfort? Is there flexibility through tessellation structure in the public realm?

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