Digital health technology is an advancing area. Nurses engage in digital health across a variety of platforms. However, there are many competing elements in the accessing and use of digital health for professionals and individuals. These impact upon the care provided. Nurses need to have an understanding of the forms of technology, the legal and ethical care required when using such systems and how digital health impacts upon patient outcomes.
Learning Outcomes
Analyse and evaluate the application of health technologies and strategies for nursing practice and diverse health context.
Examine ethical, legal, socio-cultural and political factors impacting the uptake and use of digital technology in clinical practice for local, national and global health services.
Evaluate and compare different informatic tools currently used in order to improve health outcomes.
Demonstrate an introductory understanding of the opportunities and challenges digital technology creates for health professionals, and patients and consumers across the lifespan in diverse population groups.
Task Instructions
John is a 65-year-old man who lives in a rural area of Australia. John is a farmer and is reluctant to go to the doctor as it takes time out of his busy day on the farm. John will only engage in community health care if his wife drives him a 3-hour return trip once a fortnight to see the local nurse and doctor.
John has developed co-morbidities and has had a hospital admissions in the past 12 months for pneumonia, palpitations and complications of diabetes.
John often forgets to fill his prescriptions and therefore often goes days without taking it.
John has been airlifted and admitted to a larger rural hospital after a fall, from his tractor, and he was found unconscious. The hospital that has admitted John has a combination of digital health programs (pathology, radiology) and paper-based systems. John has been reluctant to use the My Health Record due to concerns about who can access his information. The lack of information on his arrival causes delays in her treatment. It takes Johns wife 4 hours to drive to the hospital.
- Discuss and evaluate the general use of digital health technology such as My Health Record and other electronic health databases which are used in healthcare.
- Discuss the legal and ethical requirements of the registered nurse, when accessing digital health information.
- How can digital health technology improve Johns health outcomes? Provide some examples of Digital health technology, that would support Johns medical conditions. Address any factors that may impact upon the uptake of digital healthcare.
- How can you, as a Registered nurse, ease the concerns that John might have regarding confidentiality and accessing personal information. What information would you provide him?
Presentation Guidelines
-A computer generated document in Word format.
-1.5 spaced using Arial or Calibri font in size 11 or 12.
-In clear, coherent Australian English that demonstrates progression towards the standard for written communication for professional nursing practice in Australia.
-Using appropriate professional terminology.
-Contents page, title page, introduction and conclusion are NOT required.
-Unless otherwise indicated, no acronyms, abbreviations and/or nursing jargon.
-Unless otherwise indicated, grammatically correct sentences and topic paragraphs are required.
-No more than 10% over or under the stated word count. Marking will cease at the 10% over mark.
-Answer the 4 short answer questions using the information from the scenario. An essay format is not required.
-The worded questions, used as headings are NOT included in the word count.
-Intext references ARE included in the word count.
-Please access the marking rubric to ensure that you are maximising your marks in your submission.
Students are reminded of their academic responsibilities when using the work of others in assignments. Breeches of academic integrity will be lodged on the University system and may have serious consequences for students.
Marks are allocated for Academic Integrity. See the marking criteria for Assessment 2 for full details.
-All information is to be interpreted and restated in your own words demonstrating your ability to interpret, understand and paraphrase material from your sources.
-CDU APA 7th ed. referencing style is to be used for both in text citations and end of assessment reference list.
-All resources used for this assessment should be from quality, reliable and reputable journals relevant to nursing practice and the Australian health care industry.
-All sources must be dated between 2012-2022
-A minimum of 10 Peer-reviewed journal articles and/or evidence based practice guidelines cited in your Assignment.

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