Assessment Task
This task can be completed in your workplace or using the Righteous Bean simulated environment provided in Appendix A. If you are planning to complete this task using your own workplace, you must contact your Assessor to discuss the suitability of your organisational documents and situation.
Part A – Implementing the Finance Manual
- You have been asked to consult with your team members and lead a meeting to discuss the implementation of the Finance Manual you completed in Assessment Task 2. You must conduct a meeting with at least two (2) who will play the role of your team members.
The options you have for conducting this meeting are:
- Hold the meeting face to face and have your Assessor observe the meeting (please note this option is not available for online students)
- Hold the meeting face to face and video record the meeting, and upload the recording to Connect
- Hold the meeting via Zoom (or other similar programs), record the meeting and upload the recording to Connect
You must provide the participant in your meeting with a copy of:
- Your Financial Manual (Assessment 2)
- Appendix B –Role Play Briefing
- You must conduct a meeting of at least ten (10) minutes. At the start of your recording, confirm your identity at the commencement of the video by displaying your photo ID and confirming your name and student ID number, plus record consent from all participants at the beginning of the task.
You should use this statement:
My name is (insert student name and number and display Photo ID). This recording will be used for the purpose of my education and training only and will be used, viewed and stored per TAFE Queensland’s Privacy Policy, available on the TQ website, and only accessed by TAFE Queensland staff.
Do you provide your consent to be recorded in this activity and for TAFE Queensland to use this recording for education and training purposes?
Ask each participant to provide a verbal response to this question.
At the meeting, you must discuss the following issues:
- Referring to the Financial Manual provide:
- a brief overview of your financial management approach, including details of the agreed budget, financial plans, and desired outcomes at the end of the nominated reporting period.
- Clarify the key financial roles and responsibilities of team members
- Provide details of the desired outcomes, key budget constraints and financial protocols that must be followed.
- Using the organisational budget provided and the financial analysis from the Finance Manual (AT2) to discuss variances and underperformance with the team.
- Brief the team on how to access and organise all required resources and systems, including explaining how equipment and resources are to be organised and/or procured
- Explain the record-keeping systems for monitoring income/expenditure (e.g., petty cash documentation, reporting tools, financial/accounting software, apps, graphs etc.)
- Discuss contingency plans to promptly control variances across the work team, e.g., reduce spend, reallocating resources, mentoring/coaching, system upgrade etc.
- Discuss the process for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the revised plan, including who will do this, and how often this will take place.
- Seek feedback on the team’s opinion of the plan improvements and their effectiveness of managing the financial processes
- Negotiate any further changes to the plan based on any feedback or suggestions put forward by the team.
- Provide support to the group by answering any questions and explaining key parts of the plan as required, giving details of the strategies you will be using to support them (see Section 2 of the Finance Manual (AT2)).
- Advise the work team as to where they can access specialist advice if needed.
Throughout the meeting, you will need to demonstrate the following skills:
- use a range of communication strategies to encourage others to share their knowledge and skills to have an effective interaction
- ensure that you present information and opinions using language and features appropriate to the audience and context of the meeting
- ensure that you use active listening and questioning to clarify information and to confirm understanding.
- Upload a copy of your video recording to Connect
Part B – Collation of Feedback and Updating Documentation
- Answer the following three (3) questions.
Reflect on your Part B meeting and summarise the feedback received. |
Detail what changes were negotiated to the financial management processes. |
Summarise the techniques and tools you used to manage the work team during the presentation. |
Where the techniques and tools effective? |
- Update the Finance Manual you prepared in Assessment 2 to reflect the outcomes of the feedback and negotiations from your Part B meeting.
You may choose between the following two (2) options to identify the changes to your Finance Manual – however, it must be clear to your Assessor what changes you have made.
- Use Track Changes
- Use a different colour and highlight the changes.
- Upload your answers to the questions above and your revised Finance Manual to Connect
Appendix A – The Righteous Bean Organisational Documents
The following Righteous Bean organisational documents required to complete this assessment are located in a folder on Connect. The documents are:
- RB065 Staff Code of Conduct v2
- RB068 Mission vision and value statement v2
- RB069 Staff Communication Policy v1
Appendix B –Role Play Briefing
The following brief must be supplied to the people who are playing the roles of the Team Members. The participants should also receive a copy of the Finance Manual completed in Assessment 2.
About the role play: You are required to act as a team member for a role-play simulation that will form part of an assessment. The role-play will be observed by an assessor, or it may be recorded and sent to the Assessor. The student being assessed will be a Business Unit Manager for a simulated business called “The Righteous Bean”. The Righteous Bean is a business that sells organic coffees to cafes, restaurants and to personal consumers. |
About your role: You are a member of a team working at The Righteous Bean. A new Business Unit Manager has been appointed to the team, and they have been asked to develop a Finance Manual to assist the team in managing the financial performance of the team. The purpose of the meeting is for the Business Unit Manager to discuss the implementation of the new Finance Manual and seek suggestions for improvement. It is important that you participate in this discussion by acting out the following: Ask questions to clarify the content of the Finance Manual.Make suggestions or contribute ideas on adjusting or modifying the Manual. There may be parts of the plan that concern you, or there may be areas that you think you need extra support on. Imagine you are really working in this team yourself and contributing your ideas, concerns or improvements accordingly. Discuss any concerns or potential problems that might occur that may prevent you from achieving your performance requirements. These may include things like your lack of experience in financial management processes or other issues that you might imagine could potentially impact your ability to meet the expectations you must meet.Ask lots of questions, express your concerns, and contribute your ideas, but do so in a respectful manner . |
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