ROBERT WILLIAM “WILLY” PICKTON was born on 24th October 1949 in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, and is also famously known as The Pig Farmer Killer. Robert Pickton is a Canadian serial killer who was convicted in 2007 of the second-degree murders of six women. Robert and David are brothers and owned a farm in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, 27 km east of Vancouver. The worker at the place Bill Hiscox called the farm as a creepy-looking place, also, described the behaviour of Pickton being a pretty quiet person but sometimes bizarre nature of Pickton without any reason and evidence of substance abuse drew attention towards him of others. It has also been said that human meat was sold at the farm and so the alert was made for not to buy any meat from the farm, which also increased the chances of investigation and inquiry related to the missing women. Robert was charged for twenty deaths of women and many were from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, the charges were stayed by the crown in the year 2010. Willy was sentenced to life imprisonment with no chance of parole for 25 years and which is also called as the longest sentenced imprisonment for the matter of murder under Canadian Law.
The theory I have chosen to apply on Robert William “Willy” Pickton is the Frustration Aggression and Hypothesis theory. The theory clearly states that crime is nothing but is an opposite reaction of an individual’s behaviour and mostly it has been recorded and analysed that an opposite reaction always results into some criminal activities. It might have been possible in some period of life that incidence of past has led to suffer aggression and frustration towards women and society. As there must be some or the other reasons which must have not been disclosed by competent authorities regarding the issues of past. Also, the first complaint which was registered was of a sex worker Wendy Lynn Eistetter on March 23rd 1997, who was stabbed several times during altercation at the farm. Eistetter had informed police that Robert handcuffed her but she made an escape somehow even after several lacerations. Wendy also told about that she has disarmed Robert in her self-defence with his own weapon. Robert William Pickton was charged for attempt to murder.
Over the period of three years Hiscox noted that women who all visited the farm were missing. Police executed a search warrant for illegal firearms at the property. Where Pickton brothers were arrested by police for regarding illegal firearms at the property. Second warrant was issued regarding the search and investigation of the farm, which was for part of the missing women investigation, as the police found the belongings to the women at the place. Later-on Pickton brothers were released and Robert was kept under the surveillance of police.
Frustration aggression and hypothesis is a psychological theory which leads to aggression and blocking efforts of people to achieve their goals. Hypothesis stated that frustration always precedes aggression, and that same aggression is nothing but surely the leads to the consequences of crime and criminal offences. Some studies have shown that frustrating and equally threatening events may have generated the feelings of aggression and that feeling is the reason for an individual to commit such heinous crimes against the society.
The women which were murdered by Robert Pickton can be an opposite reaction of some activities which have led him commit such crimes against them. The analysis regarding the theory and criminals have shown the impacts of violent nature and frustration with some kind of game-play and has assessed these factors in relation with the aggressive personality. Further, the study of Shackman and Pollak tested the impact of physical maltreatment of children which later on resulted in aggression and frustration of them. It has also been made clear that people those who suffer from such kind of mental and health issues are mostly involved in some or the other criminal activities and offences against the society.
The theory have been criticised as-well, the publication Frustration and Aggression gave rise to criticism from several scientist, including animals behaviourists, psychologists and psychiatrists. Personalities like Durbin and Bowlby, by observing apes and children, placed some or the other reason by breaking fight into three different categories and first dealt with frustration it self second and third dealt with possession dispute and resentment of strange intrusion. Berkowitz suggested that the controversy around the frustration-aggression hypothesis has its roots in the lack of common definition for frustrations and was confirm by Cohen in 1995that the arbitrariness of the circumstances affects the level of the person’s aggression and frustration.
My question for everyone present here is that do you think such situation of aggression and frustration can be managed? Is there any way which can control such situations and its further results, which can lead a normal person to be a criminal in future?
“Who is Robert Pickton”. The Globe and Mail. Toronto. 2007-11-30. Retrieved from: https://web.archive.org/web/20081017052404/http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20071130.wpicktonsketch1130/BNStory/specialPickton/home
“AU Serial-killing pig farmer gets life”. “ABC. 2007-12-12. Retrieved from: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2007-12-12/serial-killing-pig-farmer-gets-life/985594
“Pickton farm should be memorial: supporters of missing women”. CBC News. 2008-11-22. Retrieved from: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/pickton-farm-should-be-memorial-supporters-of-missing-women-1.706131
“Canadian pig farmer guilty of serial killings”. The Australian, Retrieved from: https://www.news.com.au/news/butchered-like-animals/news-story/87f181e7442437d9cc3f6183c871987d

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