Your Task
Students are to choose a company from the winners from the last 3 years of the Australian HR Institute (AHRI) diversity-related awards and write a report outlining and analysing the intercultural management models and approaches implemented by the company.
Assessment Description
The link below is where students can find more information about the AHRI Diversity & Inclusion Awards. The specific categories of awards from which students can choose a company are also listed below. The company must have been a winner in one of these categories in the last 3 years.
Award Categories
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Award • Elizabeth Broderick Gender Equality Award • Fons Trompenaars Cross-Cultural Management Award • Graeme Innes Disability Employment Award
• Michael Kirby LGBTIQ+ Inclusion Award • Susan Ryan Generational Diversity Award
The following questions need to be explicitly addressed in the report:
- Company and Diversity Target – An overview of the company with information about one category of diversity targeted and why this diversity category was identified.
- Details of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 intercultural management approaches/strategies (IMAS) that the company has implemented to address their identified diversity category.
- Analyse intercultural management approaches/strategies (IMAS) – Evaluate the success of the company in relation to addressing one or more of the following goals:
a. Breaking-down barriers, and/or
b. Benefitting the company’s culture, and/or
c. Bringing mutually beneficial outcomes for all employees.
Academic sources, references and supporting information needs to be included in this last section.
Students must use a report format which includes the following categories:
• Introduction (150 words)
• Overview of the company (200 words)
• Intercultural management models/approaches and strategies implemented (500 words)
• Evaluation and recommendations (500 words)
• Conclusion (150 words)
• Reference list (following Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style guidelines)
Students should refer to at least 2 intercultural management models or theories to support the statements and position they are taking. Additionally, students should include a minimum of 5 references (contemporary business articles, news items and/or comparison websites). While many of your references will rely on the organisation/company’s website, you cannot use this as your only source of information.

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