Assessment item 6 – Psychological report
Instruction sheet:
Please use the notes/
Due Date: 23-May-2022
Length: 2100 words
In Task results file you will have scored and interpreted Jane Teen’s psychological test data. In this assessment, you will need to use information from the assessment case study folder (e.g., case study notes, referral letter, supporting documentation, and test scores from online test Task results file to write assessment 6.
Assessment 6 requires you to write a 2100 word psychological report for Jane Teen based on the information provided in the case study and the scores you obtained in Task results file. During topics examples of Psychological report file, you will be given information on how to write a psychological report and online meeting activities will be targeted towards building your skills in report writing. You back up your report with current available psychological assessment literature- peer reviewed and APA 7th style need to follow to write it the report.
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
- be able to present and define components of the psychological assessment process.
- be able to demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical foundation as well as the applied skills in the following areas: clinical interpretation of tests, identification of psychological conditions, the use of tests within the assessment process, and the application of assessment results in psychological reports.
The aims of this assessment are for you to:
- acquire and develop assessment report writing skills;
- provide a narrative of the relevant elements of the clients background information;
- score, interpret and report test scores in the context of the client’s background, other records, referral issues and behaviour during the assessment;
- learn to integrate key findings from the psychometric assessments with the relevant background history and clinical information;
- Develop the ability to write clearly, coherently and be able to present your rationale, interpretation and conclusions in a logical and professional manner.
Psychological Report Answer Sheet – Style of the report
Please prepare your report from the reference material such as Clinical notes/Case Study, current available peered reviewed psychological testing and assessment literature, notes/interpretations, reference material provided and answer below as accordingly. You need to read carefully the marking criteria notes to answer each section.
- Demographics and Background – Understands information gathering component of psychological assessment (LO2) by presenting relevant details of the client’s history and presenting issues that justifies referral questions posed.
Note: We advise against using a table for the demographic and background information. No dots points are allowed.
Tips to write demographic info
- Client’s name
- Date of birth, testing, and report
- Address
- Occupation/grade
- Parent/Guardian names
- Examiner name and qualifications
- Name of referral source
Tips to write Background info
- Build a picture of the person
- Integrate information from different sources and provide a balanced account
- Information often gathered from history taking/intake interview with client
- Information may be obtained from family, medical practitioners, teachers, or other sources
- Information may include:
- Medical and psychiatric history
- Family history
- Drug and alcohol history
- Educational and occupational history
- Social history and client perception of problem
- Hobbies
- Interpersonal relationships
- Referral questions – Understands the psychological assessment process (LO2) by presenting at least 3 independent referral questions that relate to a single construct, and capture the critical issues described in the case study. Each referral question can be answered using the available clinical and psychometric data provided (LOs 2 & 3).
Note: Regarding 3 referral questions, it is recommended to write them for constructs (e.g., anxiety, depression or ADHD) and not specific symptoms (e.g., worry). You need to read carefully the case study to see the appropriate and relevant constructs. Read here referrals in the case study as well.
Writing tips:
- Clarify reason for referral
- Make sure each question is measurable
- Make sure each question relates to its own construct
- All subsequent sections of the report need to link back to answering these referral questions
- Guides what to include and not to include
- Guides structure of report
- Guides assessment techniques and recommendations
- Test performance reporting – follow tasks results and interpretation, create tables (Results tables only) to explain. – Demonstrates applied skills in the clinical interpretation of tests, the use of tests within the assessment process, and the application of assessment results in psychological reports (LO3) by discussing test findings in relation to the referral questions using structured headings and subsections, clearly defined constructs, accurate reporting of relevant test findings that are interpreted in the context of normative data and other information obtained during assessment, identification of areas of strengths and weaknesses, and consideration of the validity of test findings based on the client’s approach to assessment. (This section should be longer to all other sections)
- Clinical impressions – accurate clinical impressions that answer all referral questions posed. Arguments are critical and strongly supported with links to the DSM-5 criteria, evidence from the case study, and psychometric each test findings. (This section should be longer to all other sections, but not to than no no3)
- Recommendations – Demonstrates applied skills in the application of assessment results in psychological reports (LO3) by providing actionable and feasible recommendations that are specific, personalised, appropriate in scope and number, and are related to the referral questions.
- Summary – it needs to be factually accurate, clearly written and consistent with the information included and discussed in other sections and it is précis of all the previous sections.
References: Use only peer reviewed related literature from the field of Psychological testing and assessment.
Criteria | HD | DI |
Demographics and Background (5 marks) Understands information gathering component of psychological assessment (LO2) by presenting relevant details of the client’s history and presenting issues that justifies referral questions posed. | Demographics and Background information is concisely presented. Information is relevant and strongly justifies the referral questions posed. | Demographics and Background information is mostly concisely presented, but with some minor repetition of details, some important details missing, or inclusion of irrelevant details. The referral questions can be justified by the information presented. |
Referral questions (5 marks) Understands the psychological assessment process (LO2) by presenting at least 3 independent referral questions that relate to a single construct, and capture the critical issues described in the case study. Each referral question can be answered using the available clinical and psychometric data provided (LOs 2 & 3). | 3 or more referral questions are provided. Referral questions are posed as a question and are independent of one another. Each referral question relates to a single construct and captures all critical issues described in the case study. Each referral question can be answered using the available clinical and psychometric data. | 3 or more referral questions are provided. Referral questions are posed as a question and are independent of one another. Each referral question relates to a single construct but there are some critical issues described in the case study that are not fully captured by the questions. Referral questions can be mostly answered using the available clinical and psychometric data, although there may be some parts of the questions that cannot be answered using the available data. |
Test performance reporting (10 marks) Demonstrates applied skills in the clinical interpretation of tests, the use of tests within the assessment process, and the application of assessment results in psychological reports (LO3) by discussing test findings in relation to the referral questions using structured headings and subsections, clearly defined constructs, accurate reporting of relevant test findings that are interpreted in the context of normative data and other information obtained during assessment, identification of areas of strengths and weaknesses, and consideration of the validity of test findings based on the client’s approach to assessment. | Demonstrates applied skills in the clinical interpretation of each tests –DASS –HADS-WAIS-WAIT AND CORNOR 3, the use of tests within the assessment process, and the application of assessment results in psychological reports by discussing test findings using clear and logically structured headings and subsections that clearly relate to the referral questions. Information is presented in the correct sections. Constructs are clearly defined and strongly linked to test findings. All relevant test findings are accurately reported and insightfully interpreted in the context of normative data and other information obtained during the assessment. Reporting includes thoughtful discussion of strengths and weaknesses and critical arguments as to the validity of test findings based on the client’s approach to assessment. | Demonstrates applied skills in the clinical interpretation of tests, the use of tests within the assessment process, and the application of assessment results using logical headings and subsections that are linked to the referral questions. Reporting of test findings is mostly accurate, with only minor exceptions where information is presented in the incorrect section, is not logically ordered, or is repetitive across sections. Constructs are well defined and clearly linked to test findings. All relevant test findings are accurately reported. Test findings are strongly interpreted in the context of normative data and other information obtained during assessment, with only minor errors. Critical analysis of strengths and weaknesses and the validity of test findings based on the client’s approach to assessment is provided. |
Clinical impressions (10 marks) Demonstrates applied skills in clinical interpretation of tests, identification of psychological conditions, and application of assessment results in psychological reports (LO3) by including clinical impressions that answer the referral questions. Supports diagnoses with links to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, information from the case study, and psychometric test findings. | Demonstrates high level of applied skills in clinical interpretation of tests, identification of psychological conditions, and application of assessment results in psychological reports by providing accurate clinical impressions that answer all referral questions posed. Arguments are critical and strongly supported with links to the DSM-5 criteria, evidence from the case study, and psychometric test findings. | Demonstrates very good applied skills in clinical interpretation of tests, identification of psychological conditions, and application of assessment results in psychological reports by providing accurate clinical impressions that answer all referral questions posed. Arguments are mostly critical, with clear links to the DSM-5 criteria, evidence from the case study, and psychometric test findings. However, some pieces of relevant information that were needed to support the clinical impression have not been included or information that does not support the clinical impression has been included. |
Recommendations (5 marks) Demonstrates applied skills in the application of assessment results in psychological reports (LO3) by providing actionable and feasible recommendations that are specific, personalised, appropriate in scope and number, and are related to the referral questions. | Demonstrates high levels of applied skills in the application of assessment results in psychological reports by providing recommendations that are actionable, feasible, specific, personalised, appropriate in scope and number, and clearly answer the referral questions. | Demonstrates very good applied skills in the application of assessment results in psychological reports by providing recommendations that are mostly actionable, feasible, personalised, specific, appropriate in scope and number, with only minor exceptions. Recommendations are related to the referral questions. |
Writing style (5 marks) Psychological report is correctly formatted and logically structured with appropriate headings and subsections. Writing clearly and concisely communicates meaning. Tone is appropriate for the audience and purpose. Spelling and grammar are accurate. Sentences and paragraphs comprise of appropriate length, structure (e.g., PEAL or PEEL), and transitions. | Formatting of the report is outstanding. The report contains headings and subsections that are logical. Skilfully communicates meaning through clear and concise arguments. Tone is appropriate for the audience and purpose. There are minimal or no spelling and grammar errors. Sentences and paragraphs flow seamlessly as they are appropriate in length, structure, and transitions. | The report is correctly formatted. The report is mostly logically structured with appropriate headings and subsections, with only minor exceptions. Effectively communicates meaning through mostly clear and concise arguments. Tone is appropriate for the audience and purpose. There are some minor errors with spelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness, or sentence and paragraph structure. However, these errors do not affect the flow of arguments. |

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