Project Charter
Project name: [Insert project name here]
Projected start date: [Insert date here]
Projected end date: [Insert date here]
Project manager: [Insert your name here]
Purpose of This Project Charter
[Insert the purpose of this charter]
Project Summary
[Insert a summary of the project in clear business English. Briefly describe the project objectives and provide a rationale for the project taking place.]
Potential Benefits
[Provide a paragraph about the potential benefits of executing this project. Let the client understand why the project is needed.]
Project Requirements
[Provide a two to three sentence introduction that explains what the high-level requirements are in clear business English]
Major Deliverables
[Provide at least five key deliverables in clear business English. Better solutions will contain eight or more.]
Brief Schedule
[Provide a two to three sentence introduction that explains the schedule presented in the table below. Insert a listing of at least:
• 8 project tasks
• three phases
• three milestones
Ensure the table is sorted to show an appropriate sequence for the phases, tasks and milestones. Better solutions will contain:
• 15 or more tasks
• five phases
• five or more milestones
Ensure you indicate in your table whether each entry is a milestone, phase or task.]
Entry Type | Description |
Task/Phase/Milestone | Description |
[Insert more rows if needed]
[Insert the brief duration of each phase mentioned above in the below table. It can be just based on your own tentative estimates]
Phase | Date | Duration |
Phase Name | From what date – what date? | For how long? |
[Insert more rows if needed]
Key costs
[Introduce the costs with a few sentences that provide the reader with relevant information required to understand the costs presented]
[Insert a list of key project cost items to the table below, based on the case and your tasks listed above]
Cost Item and Description | Amount (AUD) |
Sample Cost Item and Description | $1000 |
[Insert more rows if needed]
Total Cost: [Insert the total cost here]
Execution and Date
Executed as an agreement.
Date: [Insert the date of today]
Project Manager: [Insert your name]
Client Representative: Jane Smith, [Insert the business name of your client]