Details of Assessment | |||
Term and Year | 1, 2022 | Time allowed | 7 Weeks |
Assessment No | 1 | Assessment Weighting | 100% |
Assessment Type | Resource Allocation & Management Strategy | ||
Due Date | Week 7 | Room | Zoom |
Details of Subject | |||
Qualification | BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management | ||
Subject Name | Resource Management | ||
Details of Unit(s) of competency | |||
Unit Code (s) and Names | BSBOPS501 Manage business resources | ||
Details of Student | |||
Student Name | |||
College | Student ID | ||
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks. I am also aware of my right to appeal. The feedback session schedule and reassessment procedure were explained to me. | Student’s Signature: ____________________ Date: _____/_____/_________ | ||
Details of Assessor | |||
Assessor’s Name | ROBERT CUTULI | ||
Assessment Outcome | |||
Assessment Result | Competent Not Yet Competent | Marks | / 100 |
Feedback to Student Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements: | |||
Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student. Student attended the feedback session. Student did not attend the feedback session. | Assessor’s Signature: ___________________ Date: _____/_____/________ | ||
Note: The organisational details used in this assessment have been mostly sourced (and to some extent paraphrased) from the organisation’s website and other relevant external sources. The information used here is solely for educational purposes.
This assessment comprises both the knowledge evidence and performance evidenceas a summative assessment. The knowledge evidence is embedded within the assessment tasks.
You are required to prepare a strategy for Resource Allocation and Develop a Register Manual for
- An enterprise of your choice (within Australia), or
- Use the simulated organisational context of Service Industry Management Private Ltd. (SIM), a new venture of AAT Kings.
To demonstrate competency will be working towards strategy for Resource Allocation and Develop a Register Manual. Using the RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY TEMPLATE provided in this assessment, you be working towards strategy for Resource Allocation and Develop a Register Manual for an enterprise of your choice (within Australia) or use the simulated workplace context of Service Industry Management Private Ltd. (SIM), a new venture of AAT Kings. Whether you choose your own workplace or the simulated work environment, to demonstrate competency you will complete all tasks following the exact structure and template as provided.
SIMULATED WORK ORGANISATION (if not using an organisation of your choice)
(Information about the organisation has been sourced from the organisation’s website and other relevant internet sources)
About the organisation:
Founded in 1912, AAT Kings has been operating as a tour operator and has been helping travellers; tourist and people from all over the world who plans to discover and explore Australia and New Zealand from top to bottom. With a broad range of holiday options including Guided Tours, Short Breaks and Day Tours, AAT Kings are the holiday experts. The organisation has claimed to have over 100 years of experience in taking care of absolutely everything so that people can get on with creating great new memories. The organisational website is at https://www.aatkings.com/
Vision & Mission: (sourced from Internet and organisational sites)
Our vision is to Change the Way People See the World. We will be customer obsessed, driven by passion, expertise, trust and a sense of fun. We will have the widest range of adventure travel experiences and continuously introduce innovative product. The organisation will continue to have a purpose beyond profit, with sustainability being at the core of what we do, and a focus on developing local economies through sustainable tourism.
At AAT Kings we strive to represent the very best that Australia and New Zealand have to offer. Our people are warm, friendly, engaged and enthusiastic. We love a laugh and a good story. We celebrate our great characters and our authentic personalities. We are always respectful, we deliver brilliant service and we are proud of our heritage and culture. Our goal every day is to share Australia and New Zealand with our guests and to bring these two amazing countries to life.
People and Employees: (sourced from Internet and organisational sites)
AAT Kings has assembled a range of fun, passionate, quirky, knowledgeable and talented people to help make holiday great and one to remember forever. The team has people who share their passion and knowledge for Australia and New Zealand in ways beyond expected. Since the organisation is mostly measured by the success of its tour services, the most important people of the organisation are travel directors, driver guides and local guides.
The travel directors provide the commentary, stories and local insights behind each destination to truly get a feel for the places people visit. They share advice, provide personal recommendations and reveal some ‘Hidden Gems’ along the way. The driver guides provide exceptional service every step of the way. Each and every Driver Guide has extensive on road experience and driver training with a safe driving track record. Along with passion and local insight these genuine Aussie characters will enhance your AAT Kings experience. In some trips and tours, travelling on a Short Break customers may be joined by a different Driver Guide each day so people can benefit from the breadth of their combined knowledge and years of experience for a more independent style of travel. The local guides have specialist knowledge of their hometown and local traditions. Theyl take the sightseeing experience to a whole new level as they share their passion and stories in an engaging and entertaining way.
Links with Indigenous Culture: (sourced from Internet and organisational documents)
AAT Kings has forged strong relationships with indigenous communities throughout Australia and New Zealand, including the Anangu people and Uluru Aboriginal Tours in Central Australia, as well as the Tamaki Family Marae on the outskirts of Rotorua, New Zealand. AAT Kings has also partnered with Alice Springs indigenous artist Kathleen Buzzacot and Maruku Arts to create a specially designed Aboriginal artwork featured on all coaches in Central Australia. Bone and pounamu (greenstone) carver, Lance Ngata, from Uawa (Tolaga Bay) and Turangi in New Zealand’s North Island has also created exclusive artwork that features on all coaches in New Zealand.
Carbon emissions goal:
By the end of 2025 the organisation aims to lighten overall environmental footprint and reduce carbon emissions per full time employee in offices by 5%,
- 5% reduction in energy use per full-time employee
- 5% reduction in water consumption per full-time employee
- 5% reduction in staff flights per full-time employee
About the New Venture by the organisation:
Business Plan and Expansion (New context for this assessment)
AAT Kings have recently started cafe operations after their successful tour guiding business for over several decades. The organisation has set up a new Cafe Business naming Service Industry Management Private Limited (SIM) and has been approved by the Australian Business Registrar. The parent organisation (AAT Kings) have provided enough fund that the new company (SIM) has recently acquired three (3) brand new premises for cafe operations in three different locations: One in Sydney CBD, One in Brisbane CBD and One in Perth CBD. However, the premises will need to be designed and branded with appropriate fit-outs, machinery, staff members, and other relevant resources necessary for cafe operations. The core business of the group still remains tourism operations but they now wish to expand into cafe management.
Relevant organisational documents for completing the simulated workplace tasks: (imaginary data used for simulated workplace)
Document Name | File |
Performance Review Policy for group | |
Risk management Policy, Procedures and Templates |
Additional research links on the case organisation
You are also encouraged to conduct further Internet research on the case organisation for specific tasks that may require review and analysis of existing organisational information. For example, generic organisational information can be identified from the organisational website and from the annual reports. The following are some links to the organisational information.
People and Employees: https://www.aatkings.com/about-us/our-people/
Travel instructions and about AAT Kings –https://www.aatkings.com/assets/Uploads/about-us/faq/aatkings-all-you-need-to-know-1819.pdf
AAT Kings awards – https://www.aatkings.com/about-us/awards/
Brochures – https://www.aatkings.com/brochure/
AFTA travel trends – http://www.afta.com.au/uploads/582/190630_june_afta-travel-trends-report_final.pdf
AAT Kings Privacy policy –https://www.aatkings.com/about-us/privacy-policy/
AAT Kings FAQ – https://www.aatkings.com/about-us/frequently-asked-questions/
AAT Kings online and website performance data – https://www.thalamus.co/buyers/aat-kings
Social media pages of the organisation –
As mentioned in organisation brief that AAT Kings have recently started cafe operations after their successful tour guiding business for over several decades. The organisation has now decided to use some profit funds to diversify into other different areas of business that resulted in a new company which is a new Cafe Business naming Service Industry Management Private Limited (SIM). The new company has been approved by the Australian Business Registrar. The parent organisation (AAT Kings) have provided enough fund for SIM that it has recently acquired three (3) brand new premises for cafe operations in three different locations: One in Sydney CBD, One in Brisbane CBD and One in Perth CBD. However, the premises will need to be designed and branded with appropriate fit-outs, machinery, staff members, and other relevant resources necessary for cafe operations. The core business of the group still remains tourism operations but they now wish to expand into cafe management.
Your role
You have been newly appointed as the Resource Management Specialist of Cafe Operations for SIM. As mentioned previously that all three premises will need to be designed and branded with appropriate fit-outs, your job is to ensure the management of resources during this fit-out project and after the completion of these design project, you will still be the resource manager for cafe operations for these three branches. You have been allocated $450 000 for the fit-out and resource allocations of each of the premises. Based on the type and nature of work, your job role will have numerous responsibilities and you will be analysing resource requirements, developing resource plans, allocating resources, and reviewing and reporting on resource usage. More importantly, you will:
- consult with relevant stakeholders and analyse information to determine the nature and level of resource required to achieve business objectives
- plan for, acquire and allocate the resources, incorporating strategies to maximise efficiency and manage risk
- develop and implement systems to incorporate efficient use of resources into work practices and monitor resource use against budgets and business objectives
- prepare reports that clearly indicate the level of performance achieved and any adjustments needed to achieve service and product delivery standards
- outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation in relation to managing resources
- explain financial management and budgetary processes in the organisation in relation to resource acquisition
- explain typical risks associated with managing business resources and possible risk management strategies
- outline key elements and sources of information needed in a system to monitor usage for physical resources and human resources
Various stakeholders in this context (for the simulated organisation SIM (concern of AAT Kings)
- Resource Management Specialist – You
- Director, Operational Management – Your trainer
- Stakeholders, Specialists, Team members, and External People – Your fellow learners
You trainer will act as your supervisor/specialist for this simulated assessment. You will be progressively completing tasks one after another within the simulated environment (or your preferred business) to complete this assessment task.
What is required?
Using the RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY TEMPLATE provided in this assessment, you be working towards strategy for Resource Allocation and Develop a Register Manual for an enterprise of your choice (within Australia) or use the simulated workplace context of (Service Industry Management (concern of AAT Kings). Whether you choose your own workplace or the simulated work environment, to demonstrate competency you will complete all tasks following the exact structure and template as provided next.
Resource Management Strategy Guide and Tasks
As a guideline, you will need the following for each outlet as they are to be identical, with a floor space of 350 square metres:
- tables and chairs providing seating for forty (40) ‘alfresco style’
- built-in furniture providing seating for twenty ( 20)
- refrigerated display cabinet with counter and storage
- cabinets
- small freezer
- cool room
- reverse cycle air-conditioning
- commercial three (3) group coffee machine
- coffee roaster (optional)
- coffee grinder
- commercial fruit juicer
- hot water urn
- dishwasher
- cutlery, crockery and other service equipment
- salamander or oven
- toaster
- point of sales (POS)/cash register
The management expects that your overall project for all three premises is completed within the next six months.
Task 1: Based on the acquired locations for cafe premises, you will need to identify and consult the potential stakeholders (your trainer will act as the stakeholder in this case) for the three premises. You will also need to analyse the CBD information to determine the types and level of resources required for the organisation.
Task 2: Based on the given information in assessment brief, you are required to plan the fit-out with the allocated funds and select alternate financing options such as leasing. You will need to include purchase specifications for the equipment to guide the acquisition process.
Task 3: Based on the given information provided in assessment brief and your previously completed tasks develop and implement systems to
- Incorporate efficient use of resources
- Monitor resource use against budgets and business goals
Task 4: Prepare an asset management manual with policies and procedures in order to:
- monitor the condition and performance of the physical assets you have recommended and take appropriate action in the event of a breakdown
- undertake preventative maintenance on an ongoing basis
- acquire new assets as needed
- maintain records to comply with the financial and legal requirements of business operations
(Trainer/Assessor use only for marking purposes)
1A. Develop resource bids in line with outputs specified in business plans | 4 | |
1B. Consult with key stakeholders to determine the nature and level of resources required; Analyse resource requirements to identify proposed costs and benefits | 12 | |
1C. Identify opportunities to share resources across business units within the organisation | 4 | |
2A. Develop resource plans that detail the acquisition and allocation of resources, timelines and the relationship to business strategies, contingencies, plans, programs and processes; Determine internal resourcing capabilities and external resourcing requirements; Identify risks and establish risk management processes | 30 | |
2B. Develop procedures for the evaluation of resource allocation and incorporate them in resource plans | 6 | |
2C. Apply organisation’s procedures to obtain approvals from senior management | 4 | |
3A. Allocate resources in accordance with relevant legislation, organisational policy and practices | 4 | |
3B. Manage resource allocation to enable achievement of business unit objectives | 4 | |
3C. Negotiate and obtain resources within required timeframe to enable achievement of business unit objectives | 8 | |
3D. Develop and implement systems to enable timely and accurate monitoring and review of resource usage; Develop or revise work practices to incorporate efficient use of resources; Develop and implement procedures to review resource allocation against business unit objectives | 12 | |
4A. Monitor compliance with program and project budgets and take corrective action where necessary | 8 | |
4B. Prepare reports that clearly indicate the level of performance achieved and any action taken to adjust or rectify procedures in meeting service and product delivery standards | 4 | |
APPENDIX 1 (references, evidence, and external resources) | N/A | N/A |
“RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY” template follows next. You are required to complete every section of the template.
Prepared by:
In TASK 1, based on the acquired locations for cafe premises, you will need to identify and consult the potential stakeholders (your trainer and fellow learners will act as the stakeholders in this case) for the three premises. You will also need to analyse the CBD information to determine the types and level of resources required for the organisation.
You are required to:
- Develop resource bids in line with outputs specified in business plans
- Consult with key stakeholders to determine the nature and level of resources required; Analyse resource requirements to identify proposed costs and benefits
- Identify opportunities to share resources across business units within the organisation
1A: In this task, you will develop resource bids in line with outputs specified in business plan; Analyse resource requirements to identify proposed costs and benefits
1B: In this task, you will consult with key stakeholders to determine the nature and level of resources required. To do this you will also need to explore and research specific area information using Internet on the approximate costs.
Premise / Location | Information on location / premise | Additional resources required for the specified location | Proposed costs identified | Identified Stakeholder groups within the location / premise |
Sydney | ||||
Brisbane | ||||
Perth | ||||
Stakeholder Approval: | [Y] [N} | |||
Stakeholder Comments: | ||||
Stakeholder Signatory and Date: | ||||
General Manager Signatory and Date: |
1C: In this task, you will identify opportunities to share resources across business units within the organisation
Please highlight your identified opportunities to share resources |
In TASK 2, you are required to plan the fit-out with the allocated funds and select alternate financing options such as leasing (if needed). You will need to include purchase specifications for the equipment to guide the acquisition process.
You are required to:
- Develop resource plans that detail the acquisition and allocation of resources, timelines and the relationship to business strategies, contingencies, plans, programs and processes; Determine internal resourcing capabilities and external resourcing requirements; Identify risks and establish risk management processes
- Develop procedures for the evaluation of resource allocation and incorporate them in resource plans
- Apply organisation’s procedures to obtain approvals from senior management
2A: In this task, you will develop resource plans that detail the acquisition and allocation of resources, timelines and the relationship to business strategies, contingencies, plans, programs and processes; Determine internal resourcing capabilities and external resourcing requirements; Identify risks and establish risk management processes
FIT OUT PLAN (refer assessment brief for further information) |
Please illustrate/draw/layout your fit out plan. |
APPROXIMATE FIT OUT COSTS & BUDGET (refer assessment brief for further information) |
Based on fit-out resources, please detail your fit-out costs with approximate values. |
CONTINGENCY OR BACKUP PLAN (refer assessment brief for further information) |
Based on fit-out resources and costs, you will consider the back up plans. Please detail your backup or contingency plan using the risk management process. Contingency Plan: Identified Risks: Risk Management Process you will follow: Asset or Resource name Possible Risks with this resource Risk Management Strategy |
2B. Based on the resource allocations, fit-out plans and identified risks, you will now develop procedures for the evaluation of resource allocation and incorporate them in resource plans
Based on previous tasks, develop procedures for the evaluation of resource allocation. Mention the processes in bullet points. At least 6 bullet points in the step by step procedure on how you will evaluate or measure your resource allocation plan. |
2C. In this task, you will apply organisation’s procedures to obtain approvals from senior management.
<Organisation name> <Date> Subject: To: Dear Director, <Insert your name> <Insert your position> |
In TASK 3, based on the given information provided in assessment brief and your previously completed tasks you are required to develop and implement systems to incorporate efficient use of resources and monitor resource use against budgets and business goals.
You are required to:
- Allocate resources in accordance with relevant legislation, organisational policy and practices
- Manage resource allocation to enable achievement of business unit objectives
- Negotiate and obtain resources within required timeframe to enable achievement of business unit objectives
- Develop and implement systems to enable timely and accurate monitoring and review of resource usage; Develop or revise work practices to incorporate efficient use of resources; Develop and implement procedures to review resource allocation against business unit objectives
3A: In this task, you will allocate resources in accordance with relevant legislation, organisational policy and practices
3B: In this task, you will manage resource allocation to enable achievement of business unit objectives
Based on your previous tasks, you will now explain how you will manage the resources to meet the overall business objectives. You may wish to use an online tool such as Monday.com for management. |
3C: In this task, you will negotiate and obtain resources within required timeframe to enable achievement of business unit objectives
Based on your previous tasks, you will now negotiate and get quotes on your resources costs and fit-out project costs from online designers and renovators. You may wish to research online and get a quote or prepare a quote that specifies the projects to be completed by six months time. Paste your quote here. Once you have received the quote you will now negotiate with your director on the prices and timeframe as per quote. To do this, you will email your supervisor informing and negotiating on this. <Organisation name> <Date> Subject: To: Dear Director, <Insert your name> <Insert your position> |
3D: Based on your previous planning, allocations and completed tasks, you will now develop and implement systems to enable timely and accurate monitoring and review of resource usage. You will revise work practices to incorporate efficient use of resources and develop and implement procedures to review resource allocation against business unit objectives
Scenario & Context: At this point you have identified that several of the resources shown below has exceeded the usage or was wasted during the project’s first month. You will need to develop and implement a system to monitor the usage for the future usage as because you have already exceeded the usage in the first month.
- Project Labour Usage – 18 extra (full day) labour used in one month in total
- Rented Equipment – 2 additional titling equipments rented, 2 days of additional delivery van hired, 1 additional carpentry equipment hired
- Cafe Equipments (freezer, cool room, coffee machine, dishwasher, etc) – Cool room in one venue required additional repair right after the installation. Repair cost was $2,000.
- Cafe Furniture (Cabinets, chairs and tables, etc) – 4 broken furniture during delivery
- Renovation materials – Wastage of renovation materials exceeded by 10% during fit-out work
- Overall Costs – Monthly cost exceeded by $20,000 in each venue out of the overall budget ($450,000) for each venue.
- Fit-Out Projected Time – One stage (dishwashing equipment installation) of work is missing in all three premises which should have been completed by one month’s time.
Resources | No. of resources allocated | No. of resource used | Variation | Your Explanation to Management |
Project Labour Usage | ||||
Rented Equipment | ||||
Cafe Equipments (freezer, cool room, coffee machine, dishwasher, etc) | ||||
Cafe Furniture (Cabinets, chairs and tables, etc) | ||||
Renovation materials | ||||
Overall Costs | ||||
Fit-Out Projected Time |
Based on the previous task scenario on resource usage where you have identified the variations on resource usage during the project time, you will now monitor compliance on resource usage, take action and prepare a report to indicate the level of performance in regards to project resource usage.
You are required to:
- Monitor compliance with program and project budgets and take corrective action where necessary
- Prepare reports that clearly indicate the level of performance achieved and any action taken to adjust or rectify procedures in meeting service and product delivery standards
4A: In this task, you will monitor compliance with program and project budgets and take corrective action where necessary. To do this you will officially inform your supervisor what actions you have undertaken to monitor compliance on resource allocation and usage.
Describe how will you monitor compliance and with project budget so that it does exceed resource usage. Also mention what corrective actions will undertake and have already undertaken (in task 3D). |
4B: In this task, you will prepare reports that clearly indicate the level of performance achieved and any action taken to adjust or rectify procedures in meeting service and product delivery standards
Once you have decided on your monitoring approach and the corrective actions in the previous task, you will now officially prepare a report (via email) for your director on these actions and approaches. You may wish to include a reporting table with detail within the body of the email. <Organisation name> <Date> Subject: To: Dear Director, <Insert your name> <Insert your position> |

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