Knowledge Knowledge and understanding of Digital Marketing trends and how they drive Digital Marketing Communicationsstrategy. SCOPE: critical engagement with the primary and secondary sources used to answer the question. | Insightful and sophisticated engagement with research and/or practice pertaining to field(s) and disciplines of study; Sophisticated demonstration and application of knowledge, offering innovative and/or original insights, possibly unparalleled in their application; A sophisticated degree of synthesis, quite likely of complex and disparate material. | Advanced engagement with research and or practice pertaining to the field(s) and disciplines of study; Accomplished demonstration of knowledge, contributing towards innovative and/or original insights; Extremely high degree of synthesis of research material. | A high degree of engagement with research and/or practice pertaining to field(s) and disciplines of study; Excellent demonstration of knowledge, with the possibility for new insights; A high degree of synthesis relating to research material. | Sustained engagement with research and/or practice pertaining to disciplines of study; An assured understanding of current problems, supported by critical analysis with the potential for new insights; A sustained application and depth of research material and accuracy in detail. | Engagement with relevant knowledge pertaining to discipline and key issues; Satisfactory understanding and conceptual awareness enabling critical analysis; Response is appropriate and addresses the range of learning outcomes; where the knowledge is accurate. Work may lack sustained depth. | Unsatisfactory engagement with relevant knowledge pertaining to discipline and key issues; Insufficient understanding and conceptual awareness of knowledge(s) pertaining to the field; Response does not address the full range of learning outcomes, inaccurate and/or missing knowledge at times. | Inadequate coverage of relevant issues, inconsistent understanding shown; Inadequate understanding of underpinning issues, weak and underdeveloped analysis; Response does not address learning outcomes, inaccurate and missing knowledge. | Lack of relevant research and little understanding shown; Very weak understanding of key issues, work lacks critical oversight; Substandard engagement with research material, misunderstanding evident. | Severely lacking in relevant research and underpinning knowledge; Slight understanding of key issues, little attempt at critical analysis; Slight engagement with research material, inaccurate knowledge and misunderstanding throughout. | Negligible understanding of key issues, which is likely to show no critical analysis or engagement with the learning brief; No engagement with research tasks. |
Sources Reading and use of appropriate sources to develop the Digital Marketing Communications Strategy SCOPE: accurate and consistent acknowledgment and referencing of sources. | Extensive range and sophisticated use of appropriate sources; Unparalleled standard of research both in breadth and depth, which demonstrates a very high intellectual engagement and rigor. | Extensive range and use of appropriate sources; Extremely well referenced research both in breadth and depth, which demonstrates high intellectual engagement and rigor. | Substantial range and sophisticated use of sources; Well-referenced research both in breadth and depth, which demonstrates clear intellectual rigor. | An assured range of reading, with sustained reference to key and core texts. The work may include current research at the leading edge of the discipline; Very good referencing in breadth and/or depth, which shows a very good level of intellectual rigor; Sources acknowledged appropriately according to academic conventions of referencing. | A satisfactory range of core and basic texts, which references current research in the discipline; Sources acknowledged appropriately according to academic conventions of referencing. The work may contain minor errors and be limited in breadth, depth and intellectual rigor. | Insufficient range of source reading of core and basic texts; Sources not acknowledged in line with academic conventions of referencing. | Reading material is inadequate and may not include core and basic texts; Sources inaccurately referenced. | Very weak engagement with source reading of core and basic texts; Inconsistent and/or limited referencing of sources. | Severely lacking source reading; Sources either not present and/or not referenced. | Negligible attempt to identify source material; No indication of source reading. |
Methodology SCOPE: critical engagement in the discipline relating to the digital marketing planning structures and concept and their application. | Insightful and sophisticated interpretation, application and evaluation of the possibilities and limitations of the methodologies used by the student and key scholars/ practitioners pertaining to the field(s) of study; Methods used offer new insights and contributions to knowledge. | Advanced interpretation, application and evaluation of the possibilities and limitations of the methodologies used by the student and key scholars/ practitioners pertaining to the field(s) of study; Methods used contribute towards new insights to knowledge. | Excellent interpretation, application and evaluation of the possibilities and limitations of the methodologies used by the student and key scholars/ practitioners pertaining to the field(s) of study; Methods used may offer new insights or contributions to knowledge. | A comprehensive understanding shown and a sustained application of established methodologies and methods applicable to the student’s own research; Research work planned in scale and scope so that robust and appropriate evidence can be gathered and articulated. | A satisfactory application of research techniques and enquiry that are used to create and interpret knowledge in the discipline; Research work planned systematically in scale and scope so that appropriate evidence can be gathered. | Unsatisfactory application of research techniques pertaining to the discipline; Unsatisfactory research undertaken, resulting in underdeveloped and poorly executed work. | An underdeveloped understanding of established methodologies and those used by the student; Research work is weak and executed inaccurately. | Very weak understanding of established methodologies and those used by student; Substandard research, methods mainly erroneous. | Research works show very little planning and understanding; Erroneous use of methods to explain the work. | Negligible understanding of established research methods and those used by the student; No research methods evident. |
Analysis Critical analysis and interpretation of the trend and its application. SCOPE: appropriate analytical discussion and interpretation of source material. | A sophisticated command of imaginative, insightful, original or creative interpretations; An unparalleled level of analysis and evaluation; A sophisticated cogent argument offering new and original contributions to knowledge. | Advanced command of imaginative, insightful, original or creative interpretations; Accomplished level of analysis and evaluation; A highly developed cogent argument with the potential to bring new and original contributions to knowledge. | An excellent command of imaginative, original or creative interpretations; A high degree of analysis and evaluation; A sustained argument with the possibility for new insights to knowledge. | A convincing and sustained command of accepted critical positions; A developed conceptual understanding that enables the student to find new meanings in established hypotheses; A developed and sustained argument with the possibility for new insights to knowledge. | An ability to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively; A satisfactory evaluation of current research and critical scholarship in the discipline; Ability to devise a coherent critical/ analytical argument is supported with evidence. | A lack of ability to deal with complex issues; Judgements not fully substantiated and understood; The ability to construct an argument is underdeveloped and not supported fully with evidence. | A lack of ability to deal with complex issues; Judgements are not substantiated or understood and the critical position is not made clear; Weak interpretation of research and work is not supported with evidence. | Very weak analysis, possibly limited to a single perspective; Substandard argument, work lacks scholarly analysis and interpretation; Episodes of self-contradiction and/or confusion. | Slight indication of ability to deal with key issues; Slight analytical engagement and reflection, work lacks criticality throughout; Lacks evidence, work shows self-contradiction and confusion. | Negligible coverage of learning outcomes; No attempt to interpret research material. |
Communication Communication skills: creative, written and presented. SCOPE: communication of intent, adherence to academic subject discipline protocols. | A sophisticated response, the academic form matches that expected in published and professional work; Mastery and command of specialist skills pertaining to the academic form; Idiomatic and highly coherent, scholarly expression. | Persuasive articulation, where the academic form largely matches that expected in published work; Accomplished command of specialist skills pertaining to the academic form, discipline and context(s); | A high degree of skill, the academic form shows exceptional standards of presentation or delivery; A high command of specialist skills pertaining to the academic form, discipline and context(s). | Secure and sustained expression, observing appropriate academic form; Fluent and persuasive expression of ideas, work shows flair; Assured interpretation of the style and genre, content, form and technique for specialist and non-specialist audiences as appropriate. | Good expression, observing appropriate academic form; Predominantly accurate in spelling and grammar, ideas communicated appropriately and satisfactorily; Satisfactory application of specialist skills with effective technical control. | Unsatisfactory demonstration and application of key communication skills; Recurring errors in spelling and grammar, ideas limited and underdeveloped, possibly poor paraphrasing; Skills demonstrated are insufficient for the task and work may lack technical judgement. | Significant errors evident in the academic form; Weaknesses in spelling and grammar, lacks coherence and structure, possibly poor paraphrasing; Work lacks technical judgement. | Very weak observation of academic conventions; Severe deficiencies in spelling and grammar and expression undermines meaning, possibly poor paraphrasing; Substandard relationship between content, form and technique. | Slight observation of academic conventions; Weak expression, mostly incoherent and fails to secure meaning, poor paraphrasing; Slight engagement with the work. | Negligible observation of academic conventions; Incoherent and confused expression, poor paraphrasing; No discernible demonstration of key skills (pertaining to the discipline); No engagement with the work. |