This assignment gives you an opportunity to read, summarize, and analyze material to be presented in a short report. Specifically, you are asked to read the five assigned articles on the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) and make notes on the pros and cons of pension adoption discussed in each article. Then, you will use your notes to create a short semi-formal report in which you briefly discuss the topic at hand, evaluate the pro and con arguments, and provide recommendations.
Use APA 7th Edition for this assignment.
Your report should be 3-5 pages double-spaced, not including title page and References list.
Submission Requirements:
- Upload an electronic copy to the Assessment Tab on eCentennial before the deadline; the file will automatically be scanned by Turnitin. A 10%-per-day late penalty will apply.
- Include a title page that includes your name, course code & section, the date, and your instructor’s name (correctly formatted APA 7ed.).
- Read the following five articles:
- CPP premium jump will push some to the brink, CFIB warns
- January 1 CPP hikes to hit employers’ payroll budgets, cut take-home wages for workers; CPP premiums to rise by up to 9.3 per cent in 2021
- The CPP premium hike for 2021 looks bad, but it will do a lot of good: The reason we have the CPP is to provide a reliable base of retirement income for people who may, for reasons like the pandemic, not be able to save enough for retirement on their own
- Expanding CPP most effective means of pension reform: report
- Five Myths Behind the Push to Expand the Canada Pension Plan
- Prepare a short report that includes these three parts:
Title Page
Part 1: Introduction
- Summarize briefly the issue discussed in the articles
- Include the different points of view presented by the authors
Part 2: Body
by the authors. Consider:
- the evidence and rationale
- any gaps or unanswered questions
- the organization and format (highlighting techniques, visuals)
Part 3: Recommendations
- Recommend which policies the Canadian government should implement based on the information from the articles
- Recommend areas for further research
References List
Resources for creating the References:
- APA References File on the Course Page
- Refer to Centennial College Libraries for information on APA 7th Edition
Use the direct approach method for your report
Main point: Explain what the report is about and what will be discussed. Preview your discussion and briefly state your research.
Details: Organize your information logically.
Use white space and headings to enhance the readability of your report.
Close: Briefly summarize your points.

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