Assessment type: Group Presentation and Individually Written Short Self-Reflection Essay.
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to evaluate your ability to:
- Recognize advanced knowledge and skills required in written, oral, and interpersonal communication to address complex business problems
- Apply professional business writing and oral communication skills to effectively inform or persuade a target audience
- Deliver effective presentations to transmit knowledge, skills, and ideas to both specialist and non-specialist audiences and achieve business objectives
- Critically analyse communication challenges faced by organisations by applying established theories to develop innovative strategies to address them
- Apply autonomous thinking to reflect on good practices in workplace communication in different organizational contexts
- Engage and collaborate with team members to demonstrate oral, written, and interpersonal communication.
Undertaking this assessment activity will provide you with knowledge and skills to engage in effective presentational communication within the business context.
Weighting: This assessment accounts for 55% of your final grade. Part I is worth 32 marks and Part II is worth 23 marks.
Format: There are two parts to this assessment (please see the information provided below).
Due dates: Part I: Group Presentation. One member of the group will upload your Team Charter in Moodle on Friday, May 6th, 11:59 PM AEST (Brisbane Time) in Week Eight. The same member of the group will upload the Presentation Video and Speaking Outline in Moodle on Friday, May 27th, 11:59 PM AEST (Brisbane Time) in Week Eleven. Please do not upload your PowerPoint slides. There is a late deduction of 2.75 points per day after the due date.
Part II: Individually Written Short Essay is due Monday, May 30th, 11:59 PM AEST (Brisbane Time) in Week Twelve. There is a late deduction of
2.75 points per day after the due date.
Part I: In Part I of this assessment, you will develop and present and record a group presentation, using PowerPoint, with two other individuals who are enrolled within your allocated workshop. The video must include both the PowerPoint Slides and an image of the person who is speaking. This part of the assessment will be delivered as a group and evaluated based on both group efforts and individual contributions as specified in the marking rubric.
The group presentation must be 15 minutes in length and is based upon the following case study
The Case: You are a manager for DataDog, a small data management company. There are 30 employees in total and the business is based in Melbourne Australia. As the internal communication within DataDog is not always effective, the CEO has asked you work with two other members of your team to deliver a presentation about effective communication to all members of DataDog. You and the other two members of your team are all experts in the field of business communication, having successfully undertaken a Unit in Effective Business Communications (this is your ethos). Each member of the group has been asked to talk about one topic relevant to internal interpersonal communication. These topics are:
- Defensive communication between supervisors and subordinates;
- Supervisors not using effective persuasive and/or influential influence strategies; and
- Ineffective email between co-workers.
Prior to recording your presentation, you will complete two documents that will help you undertake and develop your presentation. The first of these documents is a team charter. The team charter sets out the goals, objectives, and processes that the team will follow as they work together. All members will contribute equally to the team charter. The second document is a sentence-level speaking outline. The sentence-level speaking outline will help the group think about and organize the information to be presented. The sentence-level speaking outline has both group and individual components. The group must work together on the introduction and the conclusion. Each individual will work on and contribute his/her main point. The group will coalesce both the group and individual components into the final sentence- level speaking outline document. A group grade will be awarded for both the team charter and the sentence-level speaking outline
There are resources within the Assessment Tile in Moodle that will assist you with the required structure and format of the presentation, sentence-level speaking outline, and group charter. We will work on this assessment during the workshops. Therefore, it is essential that you attend the workshops. You must follow the required format as illustrated in Moodle and/or discussed in the workshops.
As this is a group presentation one person will present the introduction, each person will present his/her main point, and another person will provide the conclusion. The introduction must include the following components:
- Attention-getting statement
- Statement of exigency
- Statement of ethos
- Preview of the three main points
- Thesis statement
- Transitional statement (linking the introduction to the body of the presentation
This part of the presentation should last for no longer than two minutes. Within the body of the presentation each person will present one main point
each (three main points in total). Each main point will need to include the
following information (this information is based upon Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Format):
- Step One: State that there is a problem, and that there is a solution to this problem
- Step Two: Discuss the problem (your internal communication challenge). Here you will need to talk about the problem and explain how this problem directly affects the audience. You may also wish to talk about the implications or the consequences of this problem for the organization.
- Step Three: Discuss the solution to the problem (your internal communication challenge). Here you should clearly state what the solution is and explain why your solution will be effective. Also, you will need to identify any counter arguments or objections to your solution and refute them.
- Step Four: Discuss the benefits of this solution to the organization (this point has a future orientation). What will the future look like for the audience and the organisation if your solution is adopted.
- Step Five: Identify what the audience and the organisation should do to actualize this solution (DO NOT JUST SAY THAT THE ORGANISATTION NEEDS TO RUN TRAINING SESSIONS).
- A transitional statement that links your main point to the next main point (which would be the conclusion if you are the last speaker).
The conclusion should include the following components:
- Restatement of the main points
- Restatement of the thesis
- Articulation of a capstone statement
References: The presentation must include a total of 15 academic references (5 references for each speaker). You must use the APA reference style (7th Edition). You may only use articles from the Required Journal List (RJL). The reference list must be included both in the sentence-level (in-text and reference list) speaking outline and the presentation PowerPoint slides (in-text and reference list).
Length: The presentation must be 15 minutes in length. The Introduction should be two minutes in length. The total time for the Body of the presentation is 12 minutes—this means that each speaker should speak for four minutes. It is important that each speaker keeps to time—so, do not go over. Individually presented information that extends beyond the four minutes will not be evaluated for grading purposes. The Conclusion will last for one minute.
Please practice your presentation in advance so that you know it is 15 minutes in length.
The Group: During the Week Three workshop you will be able to sign up to be one member of a group of three. Failure to sign up for a group in Week Three will result in you being assigned to a group based upon your enrolment in the workshop. Once these groups have been set up you may not change.
Other: CQUniversity has a number of group work activities as part of authentic learning and assessment. The university expects all students involved in group work activities to behave professionally and ethically in all group interactions. The University therefore requires that students not only understand their rights and obligations through the Foundation of Academic Integrity module but that all students engaged in scholarly and other activities are aware of the ethical implications of such activities and are committed to discharging their responsibilities to the group in an ethical manner. The unit coordinator has provided you with a template for a Team Charter to assist with group work.
Part II: In Part II, you will individually write a short self-reflection essay that analyses your personal communication experiences within the business context. You must pick one of following topics: defensive and supportive internal business communication, persuasive and/or influential internal business communication, or internal business email communication. You may pick the same topic as your individual group presentation topic, but please remember this essay focuses upon your personal communication experiences within the business context. With your chosen topic in mind, you must provide an example of effective and ineffective communication. Here you will need to explain why the communication is effective and why the communication is ineffective. Next, you will need to discuss what you could do to improve your identified ineffective communication. Here you will need to identify specific communication behaviours that would improve upon your ability to communicate (as directly related to your previously identified ineffective communication) within the business context.
For example, you could focus upon your workplace experiences with influential and/or persuasive internal business communication. Think about your experiences in this regard–What do you do well? What could be improved? Based upon your answers to these questions describe one internal influential and/or persuasive business communicative interaction that you did effectively and one influential and/or persuasive business communicative interaction that was ineffectively. Please make sure you back up each example by explaining why the communication is either effective or ineffective. Next, you will need to discuss how you would specifically change your ineffective communication—describe the remedial communication behaviours and justify why these behaviours would be effective.
References: The short self-reflective essay must include three (3) academic references.
You must use the APA reference style (7th Edition). You may only use
articles from the Required Journal List (RJL). These references must be different from the references that you have used in the presentation.
Length: This essay must be 1500 words in length, excluding the references.
Other: This is an essay, so please make sure that your essay conforms to the generic norms of an academic essay (this means no table of content and/or sectional headings). Please write using fully formed paragraphs—absolutely no bullet points.

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