ASSESSMENT 2 ESSAY (1,500 words OR equivalent)
Drawing on learning from the first 5 sessions, write an essay which discusses the role of the early childhood teacher in children’s language and literacy learning. This essay must be supported by references and include content covered in the unit so far.
- Make a list of the main ideas we have covered in the unit so far with regards to children’s language and literacy learning in early childhood. Pay particular attention to the teacher’s role. Perhaps complete a concept map as a plan for the essay to identify how these are related. Important components to include:
- The strategies an early childhood teacher would use to support language and literacy development, providing justification for these
- The way in which the environment might be set up and the reasoning for this
- How children’s language and literacy skills are influenced by their environment, significant others, societal influences etc.
- The ways in which the teacher can support multiliteracies and children and families with English as an additional language.
- Begin sketching out a plan for your essay, a basic structure is as follows:
- Introduction to language and literacy learning in early childhood.
- Identify 3 or 4 main ideas related to the teacher’s role in children’s language and literacy learning, make sure these ideas come from literature (6 references are required)
- Write a paragraph on each idea, whilst also ensuring each paragraph is connected to the next, so there is a ‘flow’
- Final thoughts on the role of the teacher in language and literacy learning in early childhood – sum it up.
- ensure your writing is at a tertiary level. Make sure you have referred back to the assessment rubric and included all elements required.
- Demonstrated understanding of role of the early childhood teacher-
Student demonstrates deep understanding of the role of the early childhood teacher and strategies to support children’s language and literacy development, including children with English as an additional language. (20 POINTS)
- Communication of language and literacy as a complex social act- Student has clearly and effectively demonstrated their understanding of language and literacy as a complex and contextual social act, through acknowledging the role of significant others, the child’s immediate environment and greater political and social influences. (20 POINTS)
- Articulation of how student would construct an early childhood environment- The way in which the pre-service teacher would construct an early childhood environment has been effectively and clearly communicated (20 POINTS)
- Demonstrated understanding of multiliteracies-Student has clearly demonstrated their understanding of how children generate and use multiliteracies in early childhood. (20 POINTS)
- Connections to theoretical viewpoints-Student has effectively and appropriately made connections with literature and/or theoretical viewpoints to support their discussion. (10 POINTS)
- Clarity of ideas-The student has effectively distilled ideas into concise and cohesive examples and arguments. Language used communicates ideas clearly. (5 POINTS)
- References-At least 4 academic references support arguments. Referencing is accurate and consistent with the Harvard style. (5 POINTS)
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