Total Teaching Hours For Semester : 45 No of Lecture Hours/Week : 3
Max Marks : 100 Credits : 1
Course Description and Course Objectives:
To develop the students withprofessional and academic inputs to adapt to the requirements of the changing environment
Course Outcomes
1.CO1 – Identify the research gap by conducting the literature survey
2.CO3 – Choose appropriate statistical tools to analyze the data.
3.CO2 – Select an appropriate research design for the research proposal.
4.CO5 – Choose appropriate language (verbal & non-verbal) to present the findings with appropriate structure & style.
5.CO4 – Develop a research report and research paper in a proper format.
Unit-1 Teaching Hours:5
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:National,Local,Global,Regional,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
The introduction starts on a broad basis and then narrows down to your particular field of study. The introduction gives an overall view of the topic, and addresses slightly different issues from the executive summary. It works upon the principle of introducing the topic of dissertation and setting it into a broad context, gradually narrowing down to a research problem, thesis and objectives/hypothesis.
(a) Need for the study
(b) Statement of the problem/Title of the study
(c) Scope of the study
(d) Objectives of the study
(e) Limitations of the study
Unit-2 Teaching Hours:10
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Local,Global,National,Regional,
2.Skill Focused:Employability,Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
Critical review and summary of previous papers similar to the study/topic chosen:
i) Primary papers.
ii) Secondary or related papers.
There can be a maximum of half a page for each review.
The last part of the chapter has to summarize the complete reviews undertaken.
Unit-3 Teaching Hours:10
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,Regional,Local,National,
2.Skill Focused:Employability,Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
This chapter shall consist of the following sub-topics.
(a) Introduction ( how the chapter is presented)
(b) Operational definitions/terms
(c) Hypotheses( if any)
(d) Sampling size and sampling technique
(e) Data and the sources of data collection
(f) Methods of data collection
(g) The various techniques used in analysis of data
Unit-4 Teaching Hours:10
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,Global,Local,National,
2.Skill Focused:Employability,Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
This chapter includes interpreting of results with help of tables, graphs and text
The table shall be listed first, then the graph, followed by the finding and brief interpretation all fitting into one page per table.
In case of any hypothesis testing, the outcome related to hypothesis testing should be mentioned and also the final conclusion of proving or disproving the null/alternate hypothesis
Unit-5 Teaching Hours:10
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Local,Global,
2.Skill Focused:Employability,Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
• Suggestions based on the findings should be discussed and a overall conclusion
• Implications
• Scope for future study.
This chapter has to be stated in paragraph form. No bullets or numbering is encouraged.
References (Strictly according to APA format)
Essential References:
Recommended References:
Evaluation Pattern
Viva-voce exam (50 Marks)
Guide Evaluation (50 Marks)
Marking would be based on the criterias given below
Identify the research gap by conducting the literature survey –(RBTL 3) -(PLO 2.2)
Select/ Choose /Apply an appropriate research design for the research proposal. –(RBTL 3) -(PLO 2.2)
Choose appropriate statistical tools to analyze the data. (RBTL 5)- PLO 4.4
Develop a research report and research paper in a proper format.(RBTL 3) (PLO 3.4, 3.5)
Choose appropriate language (verbal & non-verbal) to present the findings with appropriate structure & style. (RBTL 5) – (PLO 3.1,3.2,3.3)

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