Formal Report and Informal Report Questions Assignment Solved


Short Reports

  • Ans. 1: Formal Report – The reports that are set up in endorsed structures, as indicated by some settled strategies to peculiar authorities are called formal reports.
  • Type of the report: Formal report is exceptionally organized and is set up in an endorsed design. Most Formal report is constantly written in a document style (Situma et al., 2015).
  • Goal: Formal report is composed to help the executives in settling on extended-term and vital choices.
  • Aim: Aim of the formal report is to help progressive by giving a successful proposal.
  • Length: It is lengthy in size. The size of a proper report is enormous. It usually incorporates some specific pages that don’t show up in short reports.
  • Informal Report – A Informal report is one that is developed not by adhering to any recommended rule or custom.
  • Type of the report: Informal report is less organized and it is less essential to succeed in the recommended position. Most Informal reports are written in updated and note forms.
  • Goal: The fundamental motivation behind an informal report is to introduce the realities that help administrators in settling on custom choices (Gretry et al., 2017).
  • Purpose: Conveying routine messages and to help routine capacities are the essential targets of the informal report.
  • Length: A casual report is short in size. This report composing is commonly finished in a page or two.
  • Ans.2: Informational reports convey target data from one region of an association to reasonably a bigger frame. For example participation reports, yearly spending reports, month to month money related reports, etc.
  • Analytical reports show efforts to take care of practical problems. These logical reports normally demand proposals toward the aim. For example logical examination, attainability reports, and representative evaluations (Sirois et al., 2018).

Ans.3: Memorandum is an informal format is to propose actualities or to give relevant data to help supervisors in deciding. The other motivation behind a memorandum format isn’t just to provide data or information yet, also, to prescribe an activity to an issue being investigated for understanding (Dargaud et al., 2017). Such a report is immediately arranged and doesn’t require any all-inclusive arrangements.

Ans.4: The style of reports ought to be brief, giving exact detail. An interesting language ought not to be utilized. Information might be introduced as outlines, diagrams, or tables, if proper. Descriptions of philosophy ought to be adequately clear and point by point to permit another body to duplicate them precisely (Bell et al., 2015). Title, summary, introduction, body, discussion and conclusion, recommendation, and appendices should be mentioned in the report. Report writing should be simple, in the active voice, and grammatically correct.

Ans.5: Functional headings depict general points or functions. They show the outline of a report without giving enough knowledge to the readers. Discussing headings give increasingly useful

headings and depict the substance of the record. Functional headings are utilized in archives that have predictable structures, for example, science lab reports, when each area must satisfy a specific capacity (Schneider et al., 2018).

Descriptive headings recognize areas of the substance in connection both to the Web page all in all and to different segments of a similar page. Descriptive headings assist clients with discovering explicit essence and arrange inside the interconnection page .

Ans 6:

Informational Reports

Ans 1: A periodic report is a type of a report that serves the function of providing a summary of the data of a particular application and it also lists the outcomes that has been summarized. It creates the summary of the data of the applications every hour, every month, year or at a stipulated period of time and then documents the generated outcome (Galvan et al., 2017). On the other hand, situational reporting is a kind of reporting that offers those taking decisions or even the audiences a specific learning of the condtion prevailing at the present time. This type of a reporting system is used to provide a specific and constant means of communication within an organization.

Answer 2: An investigative report is used for the purpose of offering the resolution-makers with adequate level of information that would be required in the direction of executing a task. It is used to make sure that a particular case is being resolved in a correct span of time and also that the scrutiny done is appropriate (Hermans, 2019).


  • The report should be started with the information already available.
  • The report should consists of records and evidences that will provide relevance to the information that is available.
  • Finally, a summary should be generated on the basis of the various evidence collected (Bullvåg et al., 2017).

Answer 3: A progess report, generally consists of the following format:

  • The report should start with an introduction that will evaluate the objectives and the capacity of a specific assignment (PAUL et al., 2015)
  • The report will then give a comprensive elucidation of a specific assignment and its record of the past.
  • The report will then take into consideration a complete evaluation of the assignment till the present time and that will serve as an ending summary to the report.

Answer 4: In case of an incident at the place of a work, the concerned incident should be documented in the incident book of the company. This will consists of information like who was engaged in the concerned incident, the type of harm which was caused by the incident as well as the time and date of the concerned incident (Andréasson et al., 2015).

Answer 5: It is significant for a report to include the core points of the main contents, however, consideration should be given not to use the very refined details like that of any images or even elucidations. Morover, a report should just represent the view-points of a particular content, however, proper attention should be given not make use of any personal viewpoints in the report or any kind of an analysis or reduction in the concerned report (Macrae, 2016).

Answer 6: Apart from providing significant details of a particular trip, it is important to evaluate the reasons for attending that particular trip, the various learning aquired from that particular trip as well as the different individuals encountered in that particular trip (King et al., 2019). Moreover, feedback can also be provided in terms of the learnings obtained from that particular trip along with the suggestions to get ready for the next trip.

Analytical Report

Answer 1: In case of an analytic report, both the pros and cons of an issue would be analyzed while in the case of a persuasive message also the same would be executed to persuade the audience to follow a particular point of view (Chang et al., 2015).

Answer 2 :

Analytical Attached Report

Answer 1: The attached report is considered to be a formal report. The concerned report made use of a transmittal letter perspective.

Answer 2: The transmittal letter perspective has been used in the context of this report. The concerned format is adopted for the purpose of providing the context of the project to the client. It refers to the process of exploring a particular issue prevailing in a business (Tesla et al., 2016).

Answer 3:

Answer 5: The bullet points has been used appropriately in the context of this report to state the conditions of making comparisions between different elements which is the buildings in this case (Hair et al., 2019).

Answer 6: A table has also been used appropriately in this report to represent and compare the yearly expenses for each of the concerned projects (Gowing et al., 2015).

Answer 7:


Situma, D. B. (2015). Open and Distance Learning and Information and Communication Technologies-Implications on Formal and Non formal Education. Journal of Learning for Development2(1). Retrieved from

Gretry, A., Horváth, C., Belei, N., & van Riel, A. C. (2017). “Don’t pretend to be my friend!” When an informal brand communication style backfires on social media. Journal of Business Research74, 77-89. Retrieved from

Sirois, L. P., Bédard, J., & Bera, P. (2018). The informational value of key audit matters in the auditor’s report: Evidence from an eye-tracking study. Accounting Horizons32(2), 141-162. Retrieved from

Dargaud, Y., Wolberg, A. S., Gray, E., Negrier, C., & Hemker, H. C. (2017). Proposal for standardized preanalytical and analytical conditions for measuring thrombin generation in hemophilia: communication from the SSC of the ISTH. Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis: JTH15(8), 1704. Retrieved from

Bell, C., Jones, N., Lewis, J., Qi, Y., Kirui, D., Stickler, L., & Liu, S. (2015). Understanding Consequential Assessment Systems of Teaching: Year 2 Final Report to Los Angeles Unified School District. Research Memorandum No. RM-15-12. Educational Testing Service. Retrieved from

Schneider, W. J., Lichtenberger, E. O., Mather, N., & Kaufman, N. L. (2018). Essentials of assessment report writing. John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from

Galvan, J. L., & Galvan, M. C. (2017). Writing literature r reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved from

Hermans, T. (2019). Translation in systems: Descriptive and systemic approaches explained. Routledge. Retrieved from

Bullvåg, E., Hersinger, A., Johansen, M., Middleton, A., Mineev, A., Ovesen, S., … & Simonen, J. (2017). Business Index North: A periodic report with insights to business activity and opportunities in the Arctic. Nord University Business School. Retrieved from

PAUL, W., RIFKIND, W., GARRISON, L., Wells Jr, T. V., Karp, B. S., & Reisner, L. L. (2015). Investigative report concerning footballs used during the AFC championship game on January 18, 2015. Retrieved from

Andréasson, J., & Pischel, U. (2015). Molecules with a sense of logic: a progress report. Chemical Society Reviews44(5), 1053-1069. Retrieved from

Macrae, C. (2016). The problem with incident reporting. BMJ quality & safety25(2), 71-75. Retrieved from

King, R., Mueller, C., & Pawlukiewicz, M. Field Trip Report–April 29-May 7 2019. Retrieved from

Tesla, N., & Emporium, Y. O. S. (2016). CIS5 100 Assignment: Transmittal Letter. Retrieved from

Hair, J. F., Risher, J. J., Sarstedt, M., & Ringle, C. M. (2019). When to use and how to report the results of PLS-SEM. European Business Review. Retrieved from

Gowing, L. R., Ali, R. L., Allsop, S., Marsden, J., Turf, E. E., West, R., & Witton, J. (2015). Global statistics on addictive behaviours: 2014 status report. Addiction110(6), 904-919. Retrieved from

Chang, Y. T., Yu, H., & Lu, H. P. (2015). Persuasive messages, popularity cohesion, and message diffusion in social media marketing. Journal of Business Research68(4), 777-782. Retrieved from

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