Part 1: Organisational Write-up; Part 2: Narrative For internal students
“Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly” (Wenger, 1998, p. 1). This assignment seeks to leverage group knowledge and expertise to identify and remove barriers to employee engagement in a fictional firm. By utilising the approach used in this fictional firm, and by learning from the shared experience of peers, group members may be able to identify similar barriers in the workplace and enact courses of action to overcome them.
You will need to form groups of four by the end of Week 3.
Part 1: Organisational Write up (10%) Individual:1000 – 1300 words; Saturday mid-night Calendar Week 5; Word-compatible format; please include your name in the file name.
Identify a barrier to employee engagement within your organisation that would also be common to other organisations and explain how it affects employee engagement. Your write up must be clear in identifying what you consider employee engagement, and the effect that the barrier has in preventing employee engagement. Ensure you provide sufficient contextual information. Please be careful in your approach: this is not an academic essay but a telling of the story behind the barrier you identified in your organisation.
To help you in this assignment, you have been asked to complete series of question used to measure Employee Engagement. Please note that NONE of this data will be used for research purposes. They will be retained for one year (in line with University teaching policy) and then erased. You can use your responses to help you think about specific features of your organisation and the barriers to engagement that might exist. These responses may also assist in writing up the group narrative, the next assignment.
Table 5: Marking guide for Organisational Narrative (group)
Organisational write up integrates the definition of employee engagement* of each individual group member effectively | 10 |
Origins of the barrier to EE are outlined clearly and coherently (i.e. stakeholders, interests, loyalties and conflicts) and linked to paradox theory | 40 |
Clear context is provided to understand the impact of the paradoxes on the organisation and the diagnosis based on William’s Typology | 25 |
75 | |
Weighted down to 25% | |
*within this narrative, a group definition of employee engagement must be provided. This definition must be synthesised from the individual definitions from the individual write up as well as from the literature and readings. |

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