Section 1: Overview of the UK Chilled Ready Meal market:
Word count guide: 500 words including tables and graphs.
- How will you provide evidence of the UK’s chilled ‘Ready Meal’ market performance?
- How big is this market in terms of sales value/volume? Predicted Y on Y growth?
- Where are the growth areas?
- How can you display this information?
- Where will you get this information from?
Section 2: Store audit summary: Word count guide: 300 including tables. A Copy of your store audit should be uploaded as a separate submission to blackboard as a spreadsheet.
Carry out a store audit to support the development of the ready meal you are working on (Mac and cheese /Lamb hot pot/ Chicken Tikka Masala or Vegetable pasta bake). Visit the following stores or their on-line shopping sites (Waitrose, M and S, Tesco, Morrisons, Asda , Aldi and Sainsburys) to record key marketing information to help inform the development of your product. Guidance on how to gather this information will be provided in the lecture in w/c 6th of February. Provide a summary of your findings and identify any potential development gaps/ opportunities.
Section 3. Practical write ups: Word count guidance – including tables 3,000
You have x 3 product development practical sessions:
X 1 w/c 20th or 27th of February: involves recreating the value product that you were given in the benchmark practical session in w/c the 23rd or 30th of January.
X 2 w/c 6th or 13th of March: Improving your product to make it a premium version
X 3 w/c 20th or 27th of March: Continuing to improve your product to make it a premium version:
Each practical write should include:
- Practical title and date
- Practical aim – what do you hope to achieve?
- Objectives: What actions do you need to take to achieve your aim?
- Product recipe and manufacturing method
- Sensory evaluation:
- Summary of practical findings including the changes required to further progress your product and meet the Frescho brief criteria. Consider:
- alternative / substitute ingredients,
- weights and measures of ingredient
- alternative methods / processes,
– design
– Sensory
How will these changes impact on:
- costings
- quality
- shelf life
- nutrition- include nutritional data
- overall consumer perception
Quality Attribute Sheet:
Using the skills provided in your practical session week 28 (w/c 6th of February) produce a quality attribute sheet for your final product.
Costing Spreadsheet and brief justification
Please note: Support on how to conduct a basic costing exercise on your product will be provided in week 29 (w/c 31/02/23). Please provide a brief justification of your product costing and profit margins. Word count guidance: approx.: 200
References: Please include any references you have used to support your product development progress.
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