What Has the Scientific Method Got to do With a Lab Report ?
One of the things that defines a good scientific experiment is a testable hypothesis !
Also experiments need to be repeatable (not just by you !!)
Hypotheses need to be founded in current scientific literature and results evaluated (interpreted) relative to current scientific literature
This means that you need to be able to record:
1) The hypothesis you are testing
2) Why you are testing it
3) How you will test it
4) What you used
5) What you found out
6) What this means in light of you hypothesis
7) What you have concluded
Anatomy of a Lab Report:
1) Title (should probably describe the hypothesis you are testing), your name and date. You probably want to include course information also.
2) Abstract – a one paragraph summary of what you have done including
rationale (why you care), (ii) your hypothesis (iii) methodology (how you have tested the hypothesis), (iv) what you have found out (results) (v) what the results mean and finally (vi) what you have concluded.
3) Introduction – This outlines why you care /what the problem is – what is already known and any other relevant information pertinent to formulating a testable hypothesis.
4) Methods – Allows another person to reproduce your experiment
5) Results – text describing your data stating what it means (as well as graphs tables figures supporting the text)
6) Discussion – this is where you evaluate your results in relation to the available literature 7) Conclusion – what you discovered / concluded from your experimental investigation
8) References – the literature you used to formulate the hypothesis you are testing and also interpret your data
Please in introduction please include the buffer,biodrop,and pcr thermocycler
Actually in that practical we found the plasmid concentration by using biodrop.and this is the recorder concentration
1500 words

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