Topic: Demographic transition played significant role in World development and shaping modern society. Discuss this statement in detail with supporting empirical evidence for the World Regions and with special reference to Botswana
Assessment criteria
The semester paper should be about 3000-4000 words excluding tables, graph and references, content pages and abstract. The paper should be double spaced, 12-point Ariel or Times New Roman font. The paper should be properly formatted, and all the citation included in the text should be listed in the references at the end. The paper should be free from grammar or typos errors. The paper will be assessed based on the following criteria.
- Content: The coverage of the topic and the quality of the content. How far the student reviewed both theoretical and empirical literature and coherently written and articulating the arguments? How you have integrated a variety of key pieces of literature on the topic, representing the current state of research as well as covering various viewpoints. Avoid superficial statement. Defend your ideas or statement with adequate citations from the literature. Any argument you present should be developed in a clear, concise and logical sequence of ideas. Introduction section include the importance and motivation for the topic and the conclusion section include about what conclusion emerging from the discussion on the topic and also include your understanding or viewpoints on the topic. (60 Marks).
- Organisation or Structure of the paper: The paper should be properly structured with heading and sub-heading. Include title, content page and abstract. The paper should be organised in a logical manner. There should be clear flow of the arguments and discussions by connecting the sentences and paragraphs. All pages are numbered. (30 marks)
- References, Tables/ Charts: Give references at the end of the paper. References should be listed in APA style. All the citations in the text should be listed here. Tables and charts should be properly formatted and give appropriate heading. Tables and chart are numbered. Tables and charts are connected to the main text. At the bottom of the table and charts, give its sources as well. (10 Marks).
Total Marks= 100
Submit the Paper on Moodle.
Deadline for submission: 21 November 2022

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